Home » Cheerleading Stunt » Cheerleading Pyramid » Varsity Pyramid Stunt

Varsity Pyramid Stunt

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  1. What level is this stunt? Very nice!

  2. this is good!

  3. what do you call it when she does what she does at :11 to :12 where she
    falls on her back and they push her back up?

  4. that was very clean and tight! Good job:)

  5. very cute and fresh!

  6. that was really good:)

  7. how long did it take yall to get it down purfectally ?????

  8. Love it

  9. Geraldine Babcock

    that flyer is soo good

  10. that was awesome.

  11. omg i love my school lmao

  12. Waoh it’s…perfect

  13. words cannot describe how awesome that routine was! Nice work! Clean and
    neat, yet fluid.

  14. rly clean and tight!!

  15. Thats Awesome !

  16. omg i remember watching that go vhs cheer you ladies were great this year!!!

  17. that stunt wuz hot i wish my team can do dat who eva coached dem is so
    great n awsome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!lol

  18. very nice. clean and sharp motions to go along with the nice stunts :)

  19. that was really good. nice and sharp. like most of that is illegal for us,
    in middle school, not varsity.

  20. yea i need to know that to we might do that for our compitition

  21. the person counting is very uptight it sounds but that was a awesome
    pyramid keep it up it really solid i couldnt imagine it falling or bobbiling

  22. tight and clean

  23. that was really good. everything was sharp and on the right counts! very
    nice ladies!

  24. very sharp. your middle flyer is very tight and sharp. nice job!

  25. that was amazing