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The Teen Superstars of Competitive Cheerl

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  1. Cheerleading is a lot more than hair and make up, it is time and effort put
    in for 2 minutes and 30 seconds of a routine. Cheer is probably the most
    stressful thing I have had to do in my life and yet it is also the best. 

  2. I hate how people criticize cheerleaders for wearing half top uniforms and
    makeup. But dont make a big deal about gymnasts and track and field
    athletes wearing leotards and sports bras and bootie shorts. 

  3. Cheerleading is taking a huge toll out of my family! Theres always pracrice
    and lits of pop up practices before compititions! Cheer is a sport and it
    always will be! There has been day where i couldnt walk i was so sore! My
    brother almost broke his back! I have almost broke my neck from my flyer
    falling on me! But theres nothings i rather do than cheer! You have a
    family bond with everyone on your team! Right now im on a sr coed lvl 3
    team and we are going 4-0 right now! We are competing for a summit bid this
    weekend! We stick together we fight together! 

  4. Gabi’s mom “do you know what tumbling is?” I’m sure she didn’t mean for
    that to sound rude but wow, okay that’s cool.

  5. Ahah Xavier at 11:39

  6. cheerleading is a big commitment of your time and money 

  7. Why is their house so big if it’s just them…

  8. smoed rocks!

  9. When the guy was like,”all for cheerleading”, it kinda sounded like he
    thought the sacrifices werent worth it or it was ridiculous. Trust me bud,
    its worth it to the point we’re risking everything in our lives for cheer.

  10. They make cheerleading look like pom poms and dance urghh

  11. im actually really happy with this video being that it showed a large
    portion of cheerleading and it did show how we cheerleaders love the sport
    with all our heart

  12. They talk about Gabbi’s mom leaving her husband, when Robert left
    everything to join Smoed. 

  13. Michaeleddie be my Twin 

  14. If you think cheerleading is not a sport, you need to watch this

  15. why did you show the license plate

  16. I want to be à cheerleader by what I have seen them go through I am
    rethinking about being one

  17. Imogen Blacklidge

    Gabi seemed so grumpy and spoilt in this I don’t know why

  18. Wow that used to be my dream

  19. Dancenastics EllenandAimee

    I’m meeting michaeleddie and Robert!!!!!

  20. Sigh…if only I could do those stuff. It looks so cool! Too bad they don’t
    have cheer in my country. Or at least a good one like this.

  21. My name is Elisa Chavez and I want to be you

  22. I like

  23. My god these cheerleaders have more instagram followers than vice news has
    YouTube viewers 

  24. Look at the WHITE girls. They have lots of pimples. They eat DAIRY. That’s
    White power. 

  25. dam look at dem skimpy out fits i can almost see the baby maker…slurps