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[20-2] Commando BO1 | Search and Destroy | Lion Hunting Cheerleader

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  1. From what I’ve read the rhino, elephant, and I hippo were tranquilized for
    treatment. I also read that the lion killed was for safety reasons
    regarding the area. I haven’t fact checked, but regardless, in a scenario
    where animals are hunted for trophies, then I obviously disagree. I will
    say if I was just fishing to eat and happened to catch a really large one,
    then I can see why someone might want to mount them. When it comes to deer,
    then the majority of the body could be eaten while the upper body could
    still be mounted. GG

  2. She’s been claiming that she’s assisting the wildlife reserves she’s
    hunting on, which I don’t doubt. She seems like an educated girl who
    doesn’t hunt for fun, but hunts for the “greater good”, or whatever she
    believes is such. I would have no problem with the hunting (as long as its
    benefiting the ecosystem), if she didn’t have the silly pictures. She shows
    extreme ignorance with her photos, wanting nothing but publicity for what
    she knew people would criticize. Overall, I’m all for hunting if it
    benefits the greater population of animals (that is, excluding the hunting
    of humans).

  3. I actually have a hunting license and have been through a two day lecture
    about hunting safety and ethics, But I’m personally against killing for
    shits and giggles, if you shoot it then you should eat it

  4. Tells us to be safe on the 4th, posts video on the 7th….

    I don’t have any problem with trophy hunting, as long as it’s the hunting
    of an animal whose population can sustain it. I don’t really see the point
    of it, but that’s just me. Everything I’ve hunted has been delicious.

    Poaching endangered animals, for any reason whatsoever, is unacceptable imo

  5. As a vegetarian I am obviously against hunting especially just for the
    “sport” of it. However I’m fine with those who hunt for survival purposes
    such as aboriginals. I completely agree with you that hunting a wild animal
    for food is WAY better than raising animals in factory farms.

  6. Don’t block me :(

  7. All of your American stereotypes are spot on

  8. What a fucking bitch 

  9. I hunt poisonous turtles