Home » Cheerleading Stunt » Learning Cheerleading Stunts » Cheerleading Stunts & Jumps : How to Do Running Round Offs in Cheerleading

Cheerleading Stunts & Jumps : How to Do Running Round Offs in Cheerleading

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  1. i care about cheerleading…. i just wanna do some cool flips

  2. wow all that talking to show us how much you suck!im better and im 11

  3. ;DDDDD sexy

  4. that was ok i always wanted to be a cherrleader

  5. make more plz =]

  6. the script is all over my screen i cant see shit!

  7. Thats what I do when I try to do a cartwheel!

  8. that looks more like a power step round off not a running round off

  9. AlyssaLovesMusic95

    I don’t think thats a RUNNING roundoff that’s a power step round off
    thoughh : and this didnt really help me that much

  10. i get yelled at in tumbling when i do my roundoff and i put my knee up
    right before i go into the cartwheel. lol. i have to keep my legs straight
    the whole time.

  11. those are some sexy ass trousers.

  12. wow roundoffs and running roundoffs are easy ! ivve been cheering for about
    6 years and can do about every flip in the book.this is baby shit.