cheerleading stunts

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  1. CandyflossCupcake200

    unsynchronised :/

  2. What skool is thizz

  3. whats with all of the bouncin? ur double jumping on ur jums and just
    bouncing all the time cheerleading is supposed to be sharp and with
    percision. u should improve these things

  4. First year going to competition is so much fun ! ^____^ my first
    competition was this year!

  5. I am sorry to say but y’all suck … I think the middle school could beat
    your heart out.. Just saying.!

  6. no mats?

  7. The flip out of the libs was illegal in 2009 if this is a school team. NFHS
    rules apply to all school teams, public and private. That type of stunt
    only became legal this year. Did your team receive deduction at
    competition? And if no, did the team compete at an all star event and not a
    state association competition? Not bad mouthing or anything, simply curious.

  8. I agree with some if these comments. The routine itself was pretty good,
    ESP. for your first time for competition… However, you need to make sure
    that as a school, everything done must be legal according to NFHS regs.

  9. ya’ll r pretty good

  10. Good job girls!!! Sooooo much potential. If the music was a tad bit faster,
    it would help the routine look sharper! Keep up the good work!

  11. that was really good for a highschool team!!!

  12. this is soo good! but one tip: i i noticed a few of the girls kept fixing
    thier uniforms throughout the whole thing and it didnt look good, and
    SMILE!! smiling really helps! ps: im not just some random person, ima
    cheerleader too lol

  13. Flyers be tighter ! But this was amazing !

  14. luved the dance the stunts were a bit unsychronised

  15. Very nice:)

  16. If ur doingbstunts like that u have to have mats

  17. It was a good routine! Just make sure you motions are a little tighter !

  18. you are good but we are betther …:)joke but we are really goood

  19. Strong not wrong

  20. thats pretty goood for the first year (:

  21. @cheersico12 yes you can I am 115 pounds an I have my needle an extended
    bow n arrow and I fly and base :)

  22. I’m a cheerleader,it sort of depends on the bases,and if they could hold
    you (pretty much how wrong they are)but most likely yes.I was a base for a
    120lbs. flyer,so

  23. Very nice :)

  24. It’s illegal to stunt on hardwood. I don’t get it they had a mat in front
    of them but didn’t us it…

  25. Ok your jumps were sucky and so was the stunting.. But overall y’all did
    great:) loved the routine