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History Lesson – Cheerleaders Extras

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  1. Omg cant believe they were here in exeter!

  2. I love Jenee, but what happened to her upper lip?

  3. wtf i didnt know they were here im gunnna cry

  4. CaliforniaOfficial

    “Maybe we’ll learn about it next year” “We learned about that in like 4th

  5. I love michaeleddie Haha he Is So funny And <3

  6. I love Michael Eddie’s relationship with Maddie :p

  7. Awww Americans are too cute! You see this stuff everywhere in England, it
    actually is pretty boring for most the people who live here

  8. im still crying this place is 5 mins away from me by car

  9. Olivia Winterbottom

    I forget that you don’t see this stuff as much in America we do kinda take
    stuff like this for granted here in England 

  10. I love how much Michaeleddie loves history!
    They’re so impressed; living in Europe you just take these things for
    granted… great extra :)

  11. That music change when MichaelEddie sees the cathedral :’D

  12. Jenee looks pissed off in every video

  13. I’m going to start cheer in Cornwall, if anyone knows any good teams please
    tell me, and also can I join the team now? I’m starting cheer because of
    watching SMOED, you guys have inspired me so much <3

  14. Come to New Zealand and you’ll see a lot of sheep ;)

  15. Cheerleaders I love you

  16. I love michaeleddie

  17. Ive been there !!!!

  18. That is exactly how I would have reacted! Like I’m American, this would
    have been so cool to experience. Like I want to go to England:-))))) I love
    Michaeleddie tho

  19. Ha Ha. In my town. How Cool…and I missed it. :(

  20. who was the little girl maddie and jenne were with and why were they with

  21. I think it’s so cute how much they are interested in this old buildings I
    mean I would be so bored 

  22. I sing in cathedrals when I travel with my church choir in England and
    we’re from America too and I made the same face as Michael Eddie when I
    walked into the first cathedral (I’ve now been to 5 different catherdrals).

  23. What cathedral was that

  24. check out my covers please?! :]

  25. Yey 1st comment