Home » Cheerleading Stunt » Learning Cheerleading Stunts » Superman Cheer Stunt :)

Superman Cheer Stunt :)

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  1. That was nice but the true way you are supposed to do it is you start with
    the middle flyer on her stomach in a cradle like position. Then you have
    the side flyers bend their knees a little bit then they pull her up so she
    can do the superman and she will land back on her stomach and they push her
    up into a full extension. I know all of this because I am a cheerleader and
    we did this at my competition and we got 1st place. I hope this helps people


  2. +bresha hill it doesn’t matter how big her weight is .. if she knows how to
    stay tight and hold her butt, which means holding her weight, they can fly
    her any kind of way . the reason they were struggling to pull her up was
    because when she got back into elevator she wasn’t squeezing her butt or
    anything she was just standing there. We have a flyer that weighs the same
    size and we can do straight up extension with her because she holds her
    weight. Im not trying to talk smack, im just trying to talk cheer ;D

  3. If you are to ever do this stunt again be sure the side fliers pull up some
    more, sooo much help, and that’s what they’re there for! :)

  4. It was good for a start, but why are the middle bases not looking up at the
    flyer… Hmm. 

  5. Hannah Hildebrandt

    Umm her feet should be together in full extension and they should be
    looking at their flyer

  6. great job!!!! For my cheer team we did the superman just with out bracers,
    it’s hard either way though.

  7. Lame

  8. Those bases are very strong. Stop hating, people.

  9. Strong bases, but i feel like they should of been looking at their flyer
    for safety purposes. 

  10. That was good, but you guys need to work together more, and maybe hold
    extra practice sessions. My cheerleading coach holds extra practices on the
    weekends and after school.

  11. they didnt say it was hard…awk

  12. Hey middle bases make sure you look up at your flyer :)

  13. That’s not hard. We do that ALL the time… Just saying. But good job.

  14. YouWouldBeAHomerun

    Ther suppose to look at eachother so they go together.

  15. when you’re basing, your arms should not be over your head, you have no
    control of the flyer if you do that.

  16. U suck

  17. those are some strong bases!

  18. The first time you go down on a guy in the future, in his head he will be
    thinking “You suck!” Please never forget that as I am sure it will ruin a
    very special moment with your cousin. Careful who you point your insults

  19. some1 needs a litle practice

  20. Wow really good

  21. It looked like the side assistants weren’t helping at all it would probably
    be cleaner and they probably wouldn’t have to double bounce if they pulled
    her up more and it would be easier to catch flyer back into an extension

  22. I love this stunt its so fun

  23. If my team were talking as much as they were we would condition whole

  24. Not bad but the bases in the middle are forcing and using their backs on
    the highs… You can get hurt easily and the backs will hurt badly the next

  25. We do superman but it’s nothing like this lol I guess we r wrong lol