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Family Reunion – Cheerleader Extras

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  1. am i the only one that thinks they show a lot of the same people? i feel
    like its turning into the Gabi and Robert show, i just saying i would like
    to get to know all of the cheerleaders and not just the same ones over and

  2. Am I not the only one who thinks its rude that they just threw in a clip of
    gabbys dad working at the end? Its like there saying “oh he came but he
    just worked the whole time” and honestly come one! I’m sure he’s not like
    that, but I feel like they really made him out to be. 

  3. maddy’s eyebrows are on point at the end just sayin

  4. Mean Girls! “She’s not like a regular grandma, she’s a cool grandma” it
    totes reminded me of “I’m not a regular mom, I’m a cool mom”.

  5. Thanks for sharing Gabi’s story, it’s heart warming to see that a
    cheerleader who is so busy like Gabi can still be really close to their
    family :) it makes me relate to her more :)
    As for everyone saying that they always show Gabi, I think it’s just cuz
    she is one of the best flyers in the country and I don’t blame ATV for
    that, but it would be great if we can see more of other people like Brooke
    or Travis or someone else :)

  6. Hey guys! We just started a new channel. Check us out and subscribe while
    you’re there!? :)♥

  7. the reason why they keep showing gabi and robert because they are the kids
    who are out of town. yeahh there still some other who are out of town but
    they still film them.

  8. First, love this channel

  9. doesn’t she have an older sister?

  10. ah love it <3

  11. Where does your grandma comes from? I love her accent!

  12. I have the same iPhone case as gabi!

  13. Gabi is so cute!!! Ugh marry me

  14. +Halle Ngyuyen yes but she lives with Gabi there to

  15. I wish I was her and I could be on her team

  16. AwesomeGirl123BFF

    I live in Florida! 

  17. They basic on what happen around smoed on that day and from there they film

  18. 3 comment

  19. Is gabbi a twin

  20. How lovely : )