Home » Cheers & Yells » Chants » These Nasty Chants Got a Cheer Group Banned

These Nasty Chants Got a Cheer Group Banned

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  1. The Antlers BABY!!!!!

  2. Miki would make a good permanent co-host in absense of Lisa

  3. Please bring back the common room!

  4. What happened to The Common Room?

  5. Butt hole or vjayjay hole? Or both?

  6. I think all of those chants are immature

  7. Hey John, we miss the Common Room a lot. Just don’t bring in Chelsey.

  8. I really miss the common room, i really like the relationship advice but
    only with some people, like chelsea should be gone but like cara and ana
    are really good !

  9. These sound like the kind of chants a group of adolescent male teens
    nearing the end of middle school would sit around and make up trying to
    out-do each other…


  11. That doesn’t get the crowd going? These guys are so damn childish… If you
    can’t take slurs as words then you need to GTFO. I wish they could see
    someone like Loui ck or Katt williams so they can grow up when it comes as
    “speaking like adults”

  12. That’s messed up

  13. I loved the outro to this one.

    Ps. C0nd0mjungle.c0m

  14. They’re all really cringe.

  15. John.. That ending was kind of creepy!!

  16. Miki has a job because she’s AWESOME, that’s why.

  17. Darude – Sandstorm

  18. best cheerleaders ever

  19. Aww I saw the comment dont bring in chealsee. She hot she speaks her
    freakin mind no matter what. What she says isnt stupid its just not the PC
    thing to say. But people think it and act on it every day. Even tho u can
    tell she does this without knowing its wrong but fk it. I love it. Bring
    her back and the common room. Oh did I say shes sexy as fk. She gets leway.
    But not 40 dates before she starts paying her share….

  20. The Antlers are the anti-cheer section, they go out of their way to be
    offensive. They make fun of the Missouri teams too. I work with event staff
    and my coworkers always have to deal with them, the Antlers are mostly
    harmless but sometimes event staff is left with no choice but to kick them

  21. miki is just to perfect

  22. My high school has an event for the wrestling team called the white out
    where everyone wears a white t shirt saying white out on it. a lot of the
    student body. To show massive support for the wrestling team however it
    could be seen as offensive as my school was 99% white people especially if
    the other school at the meet was predominantly another race.

  23. They r all horrible I’m my opinion

  24. lol is it just me or does he always look really uncomfortable in those
    chairs. lol get some wider chairs

  25. TehRealCanadarocker

    The chants in sports need to rhyme or be directed at the other
    school/player(s)/team as a whole, these are shit