Home » Cheerleading Stunt » Learning Cheerleading Stunts » Cheerleading Stunts & Jumps : How to Do Back Tuck Cheerleading Moves

Cheerleading Stunts & Jumps : How to Do Back Tuck Cheerleading Moves

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  1. a back tuck is when you do a backflip in a tuck position dughhhh same w/
    the front tuck just do a front flip

  2. oXdevilwearspradaXo

    @1998rebels she gets paid for every video she makes.

  3. lol did any of you listen to the beginning? she says shes talking about
    TUMBLE TRACK WARMUPS. stop bitching.

  4. woww.. you suck . ill make sure to teach that to my 2 year old niece.

  5. okay im still trying 2 fiqure out how someone is suppose 2 c wat shes doing
    while she has all dha words on the front of the screen….we can hear wat u
    r sayin we dnt need dha lyrics …duh!!’ we need 2 c wat u r doin which i
    hav nooo clue wat u r trying 2 do!

  6. Wow. I’ll make sure my coach shows this to his preschool class.

  7. HAHAHA init right someone kick her in the teeth i watched bout 5 secs and
    then the bitch pissed me off with her voise… its one of those droning
    voices and trail on and on and on “riiiiggghhhhhtttt todaaayyyyyy weeee
    arrrrreeee ggoooooiiiinnnggg tttoooooo learrrrnnnnn baaacccckkkkk
    tuuuuuckkkkksssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss” FUCK OFF

  8. @cheerleaderfreak67 It IS, it’s the FEAR that’s holding you back.

  9. lyk someone could actually learn how to do a tuck from a youtube video that
    has some girl who dont even know wut she talkin about…..right….

  10. good job! that seriously taought me al lot.

  11. i dont even get why she still makes videos if shes getting so many hate
    comments and no one agrees with her (including me). she defiently doesnt
    have any clue what shes talking about. as a cheerleader, im waaay insulted.

  12. wow maybe you should change that to ” How to do a Tuck Jump”

  13. wow so far ive only take 3 gymanstics classes for an hour and almost have
    my tuck and i didnt do any of this

  14. This is how to do a tuck jump..

  15. he uploaded 183,785 videos it is possible

  16. ok……..what the fuck. she didnt even do a back tuck?

  17. cheerleaderfreak67

    y does it seem so easy???????????????????????

  18. that is not a back tuck

  19. when she was lieing down she shounded like she was on helium

  20. all she showed was a tuck jump! The title says how to do a back tuck!! That
    was so dumb

  21. wow ur a lot of help!!:] NOTT

  22. cann you do this on grass? or would it hurt yourself?

  23. shut the fuck up with all that front tuck and punch front shit.

  24. She has really no what is Back Tuck First learn it.