Home » Gymnastics & Tumbling » Tumbling For Cheerleading » Hannah rehearsal for freshman cheerleading tryouts…March 2009…tumbling, jumps & individual cheer

Hannah rehearsal for freshman cheerleading tryouts…March 2009…tumbling, jumps & individual cheer

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  1. applebottomqueen12

    im tryin out 4 9th n do they make u do backhandsprings freshmen tryouts???

  2. okay im going to give you a hint because I was a cheerleader. Most judges
    and coaches and captains nd stuff are going to say, “We’d like to see what
    you can do with tumbling, but it’s not a big deal.” Its a HUGE deal. If you
    suck at doing a dance but you can do a backhandspring backtuck, you’re in.
    Tumbling AND jumps are a HUGE part of the tryouts. Make your moves sharp
    and BE PREPARED. Make sure you can AT LEAST do a front limber and a
    back-walk over, more if possible.

  3. how much is the most you can weigh to try out? jw cuz im not the skinniest
    and im tryng out for freshman cheer…..??? please respond 😀 nice vid hope
    you made it btw…

  4. @MizzGigi4ever actualy thats not right if u suck at cheer and the dance but
    u are a godd tumbler u wont make it cause then they will pick someone that
    can tumble and a godd cheerleader instead u have to have the whole package
    not just tumbling cause then u will make ur whole team look like crap (:

  5. Youdelis Bekiaris

    @sydneymittens there isnt a weight you have to be. just be able to keep up
    with everything.

  6. @8Dbeautylover8D ok um ive done gymnastics for 5 years and cheerleading for
    2 i have my full i was better but i quit for like a year and got it back oh
    and i would b a head-cheerleader but im a 13 year old in 7th grade and we
    dont have cheering at our school. i have a solo, i can do a standing tuck
    and almost anything else so yah there was a lot i had to say bout that

  7. @8Dbeautylover8D if u hav been cheeing for 8 years and dont hv a
    backhandspring i think u should quit

  8. ooooh~ Nice 😀 Did u make it or r u still in middle of it? My tryout day is

  9. @sunnypuppy22 umm well noo see i broke my wrist so if u want to go there
    then have fun i can do a back tuck and im made the freashman team o yeah
    and Im headcheer leader what u got to say to that:) kayy thank byee

  10. im a really bad at tumbling i can do a cart wheel and roound off so i dont
    now if ill make freashman cheer it suck ive been cheering for 8 year

  11. You land kinda hard but you were amazing go girl! :)