Home » Cheerleading Competitions » How to Train & Prepare for Cheerleading Competitions : Learning the Routine for Cheerleading Competitions

How to Train & Prepare for Cheerleading Competitions : Learning the Routine for Cheerleading Competitions

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  1. Geez. Best to have it memorized.

  2. we learned our rutine 2days before and got 3rd at state lolz

  3. speakin speaking! i think it would be better to show the exercises!

  4. iv learned my routine in 2 weeks

  5. I don’t think that u need four months minimum I don’t even think u need
    four months maximum I learned mine in like three weeks

  6. it would be nice if there was more videos with cheerleading routines

  7. MexaricanSpidergurl

    we learned ours dee nite b4 lOl