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Basic to Advanced Cheerleading Stunts : Important Positions for Cheerleading Stunts

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  1. This was a horrible video….

  2. this girl is okay.. but not the best

  3. omg… her high v

  4. Ok um it says basic to advanced this is soooooooo not advanced u suck!!!

  5. what about bow and arrow, needle, arabesque?

  6. uhm.. i musta been6 when i started cheering and 8 when i got my scorp. but
    i’ve been going to the chiropracter and he said as long as a strech good
    then i can deff. keep doing my scorp! i just have to get it back now
    because i’ve 1/2 way lost it because i havn’t done it in 6 months… but
    i’ll get it soon enough. ~Olivia

  7. Haha!! She messed up!!!! 1:47

  8. @bbott22 i agree. Even in figure skating if your gonna do a bielman, a
    scorpian on the ice, then you grab the foot. Not the elbow, not unless your
    transition and learning to do it and working on flexibility. But never in
    competition. Looks super sloppy

  9. oh my goshh. seriously? how old were you when you first started doing it?

  10. Nice scorpion LOL jk

  11. Your teaching stuff you don’t know about… 1) when it’s at your chest it’s
    called a prep. You should be more specific cuz beginners do sponges too
    (sponges are hip or bottom of stomach level 2) when going all the way up
    it’s called an extension not a full 3) when going to extension bases don’t
    put arms over their head they’d bend their arms back and get terribly
    injured 4) that’s a really bad heal stretch 5) you dont hold on to your
    elbow when doing scorpion your supposed to get it high enough

  12. high v as high as your gonna go???

  13. ha elevator? thats what we called it in peewees. its called prep hun

  14. That scorpion .__. Goodness!

  15. plz dont show us a scopion if you cant do it.

  16. heal streach is not right or scorp terrible girl don’t teach that again

  17. dude, thats not a scorpian.

  18. OK, “full” is an 80’s term…it’s called an “extension” now. Libs are now
    done with the knee as high as possible or as high as it takes to get the
    top of your leg flat – locking the foot at the knee is way old-school.
    Stretches are now held from the back of the foot in competition unless you
    live in ghetto-ville. Scorps are done with both hands on the foot and
    pulled high over head, never held at the elbow- and yes, you CAN go
    straight into it if ur good. From a pro coach, this vid sucks!

  19. why the hell did she grab her elbow? gaah. ur not supposed to do thaaaaat.

  20. . if yur gunna du a video to teach us stuff , go learn and then come teach
    us . thats probably why some of the cheerleaders suck because of yuu . p.s
    . Yur reely draininq !

  21. so you can grab your foot with both hands…worst scorpion ever

  22. that was terrible

  23. ayyyyymenn! i use to be able to ROCK my scorpian. but i’m not allowed to do
    it anymore becuse it caused my spine to curve. whupss! lol ~Olivia Marie

  24. What about arabesque? Bow and arrow? It wasn’t terrible like the other
    people said but you kind off forgot some stuff and i agree you guys don’t
    have to be so mean!