Home » Cheerleading Competitions » How to Train & Prepare for Cheerleading Competitions : How to Choose Uniforms for Cheerleading Competitions

How to Train & Prepare for Cheerleading Competitions : How to Choose Uniforms for Cheerleading Competitions

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  1. okay thats a problem i cheer at pro cheer and our belly buttons show and we
    dont get points of and its not inaprporiat so talk to your cheer coach duh

  2. @OMGitsBREA11 i agree!!!!!!

  3. points dont get removed me uniform is a tight straight skirt and a belly
    showing long sleave shell

  4. yeah…what she’s talking about is for school cheer competitions. I’m on a
    cheer team for my school and we cant have midsections free, its just the
    rules because we’re school oriented so what she’s talking about isn’t
    wrong. xD

  5. its not called a body suit,,,its called a undershell

  6. and its also called a body suit too just like the shell is also known as a
    top it depends on where you are from they all mean the same thing

  7. thats such a yucky uniform!

  8. daturkeyvaginamelonz

    How to prepare for whoring? you mean?

  9. Noo your shirt isn’t going to fly all the way up it will just ride up a
    little to were u have to pull it down

  10. ehh i can have skrts above my belly button id hate it!

  11. crop tops….. not body suits……

  12. Lol so if you tumble and your shirt flies up the judges care more about
    your belly button showing than your tits? Hahahahahahahaha

  13. yeah this is for like rec teams.. all stars wear crop tops… most of the

  14. @stylingchick in ontario cheerleading competitions, points get removed for
    the belly button showing.

  15. idk why some of you are arguing over these instruction videos you should
    know that diff comps and diff schools and squads want to reflect there
    teams differently. and have diff rules as to what oyu can and cant do
    theres no point in getting mad your cheerleaders you know you take it to
    the mat not the internet hello duh

  16. OKAY WAIT A SECOND. Thats wrong you can have your belly bouton showing.
    Every single team does. I guess you go to some kind of Nun Competition.

  17. u r soo gay go die god.its not inaprpoiate god u only wear tops like war ur
    wearing if ur fat so i guess ur a fat skank

  18. but my uniform shows my belly button it is a really shoirt top and the
    skirt is low to. but that’s how they want us to wear it and it’s the only
    way we can.