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The Twinkles: Chasing Perfection (Full documentary)

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  1. Did anyone else watch the entire video?

  2. I love this video. It shows how hard cheerleaders work, and we earn the
    titles we get.

    And i’ve met the twinkles before. A lot of the comments are saying that
    their ‘stuck up’. Well, i’ve met them before and they are down to earth
    8-12 year olds. They don’t necessarily think that they are one of the most
    successful cheer team out there. They see the jacket as a trophy that they
    earned. They’ve worked themselves for their spot in the cheer world, it’s
    alright for 8-12 year olds to get cocky sometimes. 

  3. God help these children, who are being taught to be cold, spoiled, and
    petty. What these parents don’t realize is that they are creating little
    monsters. These girls are perfecting performance, but aren’t being taught
    sincerity and love on the truest level. They are putting way too much
    pressure on these beautiful girls! Instead of being taught compassion,
    sincerity, and humility, they are being taught harshness, perfection, and
    arrogance. I pray that the Holy Spirit intervene in each of these girl’s
    lives and even in the lives of their parents.

  4. Am I like the only person who has watched this like 5 times..

  5. What that man said about gymnasts and popularity is very rude. Gymnasts
    aren’t “popular” because they’re at the gym training and becoming elite to
    go to the Olympics. Oh and btw. I’d rather win an Olympic medal than
    homecoming queen .

  6. To all the gymnasts saying that they are always in the gym and cheerleaders
    are out getting drunk. I practice 5 days a week for 4 hours then I have
    tumbling 4 times a week so some days I have 6 hours of cheer. I literally
    don’t have a social life. I used to be in gymnastics and hated it, it was
    so boring, everyone did the same thing, at least there’s a bit of
    personality in cheerleading. 

  7. gymnast are just as well known…. Nadia Comaneci, Mary Lou Retton, Gaby
    Douglas, you’ve got to be kidding.

  8. I love the idea of cheer leading for youngsters as a way to maintain health
    n fitness…help develop confidence n social skills but the adults they
    piss me right off.

    Just like the shit head parents who drag their babies thru pagents livin
    their missed dreams and blatant lack of looks to be able to compete these
    clowns make it about popularity n whose guna make home comin queen.

    Fuck off u sad past it pricks….ur makin kids with shitty attitudes where
    social status is the be all n end all. Shame on u!

  9. School cheerleaders are more popular than competitive gymnast. That’s bc
    school cheerleaders are through the school and gymnast are outside of
    school. But I have a friend who is in competitive gymnastics and I’m in
    competitive cheer and she’s more popular than me 

  10. I’m a cheerleader and I’ve never heard of them lmfao

  11. When gabby got to ring the bell I was literally crying
    I help coach a 11 and under softball team, the spring season this year we
    had to start fresh, due to a coaching dispute, most of our girls had to
    move up, and we were t aloud to hold try-outs, we had to deal with as many
    people as wanted to be apart of our team, even if they had never played
    before Before our playoffs we were in 12th place out of 13. We got second
    that season in the playoffs. Fall season we won and won several travel
    tournaments after that. 2015 spring is going to be even better. 

  12. To all the people that are sayin cheerleaders go out get drunk, and are
    popular and rude that’s not all of them. I don’t hve time to go out! I
    practice 6 days a week for 5 hours, and I have tumbling 4 times a week for
    3 hours. I also have my exams and my dancing to juggle. And I have to
    travel for an hour and a half to get to my gym. So don’t stereotype us.

  13. Since everyone is comparing cheer to gymnastics… here it goes. They’re
    apples and oranges. You can’t replace an apple with an orange either. As
    far as difficulty goes, I’ll start with tumbling since that’s what we
    share. Gymnastics has higher levels than cheerleading (I believe it goes to
    10). Some level 5 cheerleading teams throw layouts and fulls. Other level 5
    teams can tumble like Angel Rice or Matt Smith. Because of that it’s easier
    to say gymnastics tumbling is harder. But, gymnasts have to keep in mind
    cheerleaders do group tumbling. We have to worry about not tumbling into
    someone else not needing 9 staples in our heads (…Cali Aces…) and
    perfection synchronization along with landing. That’s hard since everyone
    tumbles at different speeds. Difficulty wise, the higher gymnastics levels
    are harder in tumbling. But group tumbling isn’t easy either. They’re
    harder in their own ways.

    I’d be afraid to do standing tumbling on a beam. That’s some fear factor
    shit. Basket tosses going over 20 feet in the air is scary too…
    especially when being based by all guys. If you miss your bases… your
    head is going to pop off your shoulders once you hit the floor. Either way-
    both are safe if nailed, both are extremely dangerous is failed. I think
    tumbling on a beam is harder, but missing your bases in a toss is more
    dangerous. There’s probably a higher chance of a gymnast missing the beam
    than a cheerleader missing her bases. But I have seen a lot of cheerleaders
    move sideways once they hit the top. Not only is the flyer going to be hurt
    but the bases would probably hurt too. On a beam the floor isn’t as far and
    you don’t have as much force coming down- still terrifying though. They’re
    scarier in their own different ways.

    Gymnasts have bars, rings and vaults. Cheerleaders have jumps, stunting and
    pyramids. No, I probably couldn’t just hop on a bar and flip around. I
    don’t think a gymnast can walk in, jump on bases and do a double up to
    scorpion. They’re both unfamiliar to each other. Same with jumps and
    pyramids, rings and vaults.

    NEITHER “win” overall. Gymnasts can do stuff cheerleaders can’t do,
    cheerleaders can do stuff gymnasts can’t do either. I do figure skating
    which is like gymnastics on ice I guess along with cheer. I don’t compete
    in figure skating.. hate the “elegance” of it. If I could do a routine like
    Starr Andrews skating to Whip My Hair… maybe I’d compete. Cheerleading is
    like a fast explosion where gymnastics is graceful. Sorry I don’t name
    specific gymnastics skills or terms, don’t know as much about it. I love
    BOTH sports. 

  14. savannah too turnt

    I was a gymnast for 12 years. I was on a senior level 5 cheer team for 2
    years. yeah cheer is tough but it’ll never be tougher than gymnastics. 

  15. im a highschool cheerleader my self that does competitive and sideline and
    what that guys said was completely wrong most of the girls on the team
    aren’t popular or “homecoming queen” 

  16. An amazing team :3

  17. I love this I don’t know how much I have watched this!

  18. Aww those dads that do it all themselves <3

  19. Does anyone know if there’s a comparable cheer documentary to twinkles? 

  20. Am I the only one who watched this about 23 times?


    I love this video because they work really hard and I love how they put
    pressure on themselves
    My favorite team

  22. Well, you’ve got to admit, the cheer coach is like a replica of Abby lee

  23. I cheer and we arent that popular sometimes we have say no because we have
    practice or competition. But in the cheer world cheerleaders and most know.
    And we have so many thing to think about ,it’s not so easy. 

  24. OK so now I have a phone and my tablet feels soooooo huge

  25. Ive seen this video about 20 times legit love this