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Basic to Advanced Cheerleading Stunts : How to Do Basket Tosses: Cheerleading Stunt Tips

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  1. I’m guessing she’s talking high school terms cause at my gym there isn’t a
    front spot…

  2. her voice sounds very ditzy..no offence

  3. I think YOU hold you’re Forearm and YOU hold on to THEIR (the other base)
    wrist. I think that’s how it’s supposed to go. i Fly not base but that’s
    what it looks like.

  4. yall need to shut the heck up becuz i bet you could not teach itr any
    better and i want you to go suck on a apple cuz she is a good tweacher and
    god donbt want you to say that think about it

  5. Bitch take dis bullshit off here for somebody tries to do dis nd get hurt
    cause dis shit is all wrong. Yo ass goin cause somebody to get hurt

  6. Actually you do hold your forearm but hold their wrist.

  7. we learned it differently, we learned to hold our wirstes and eacch others
    near the ball , and not suppose to keep our arms bent, cause if there bent
    then your not going to be able to get your climber high up in the air when
    you throw her up.

  8. 1:02 – thats where you hold it :)

  9. ik i totally agree

  10. i like it when she jumps

  11. NOT the forearms

  12. yea same here. they grab wrists and we put our toes kinda on the farthest
    spot back

  13. she does have weird elbows

  14. this is allllll wronnggggg ..first u straight ride then toetouch then pike
    then twist ..u dnt go straight 2 a backtuck dughh ….and u hold wrists not
    forearms if everyone else hasnt already stated tht…

  15. GymnastForever303

    aren’t you supposed to hold your wrist

  16. OMG! when my friends and i did this. i was the one getting tossed .they
    tottally forgot about me. and i feel on the ground. haha. it was funny well
    for me. it didnt even hurt at all. haha

  17. this wasn’t really helpful be cuz they didn’t show and actual basket toss

  18. this is wrwong…4 baskets u hold ur wrists not ur forearms

  19. princesshope0815

    it is going to hurt your bases but if they are strong bases they shouldn’t
    complain about it they should just do it. Tell them that your sorry but you
    are putting most of your weight on their knuckles of course its going to
    hurt your even wearing shoes with grip but for them to stop being a sissy
    and to act like a true cheerleader and take the pain. IF YOU CAN’T TAKE THE
    PAIN DON’T DO THE GAME! Im a flyer and ive been dropped soooo many times
    but i still do the stunts even though the fell hurt

  20. Ur supposed to hold ur wrists!!!

  21. As a flyer or top stay tight and squeeze ur somatch and butt muchhels

  22. this video would’ve been better if they showed an actual basket toss in it

  23. ohk, this is not true, you hold onto wrist & when you back spot you load
    them in and go under the basket, wow shows how much you know about
    cheerleading…. this is girls sucks

  24. look at 2:22 her arms are lyk weird

  25. when i was first flying i used to be pushed up on the butt to give me more
    confidence then the backspot helped the side and main bases