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EX-Cheerleader: deleted things

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  1. omfg ships and sailors is sooo fun!!

  2. Sophia Rose Bogolubov

    I LOVE SHIPS AND SAILORS!!! I played it at gymnastics camp and cheerleading

  3. We played ships and sailors for volleyball 

  4. TheGyMnAsTgUrL123

    I know ships and sailors we play it at gymnastics

  5. i love you’re personality! you’d be a good friend!

  6. polandbananasBORED

    @ROYALstraightFLUSH22 haha thank you! you’re so nice! =)

  7. OMG! Do a video of you tumbling! I’d love to watch! You’re awesome

  8. 1st comment

  9. SHIPS AND SAILORS! I played that game! its fun!

  10. haha i love playing ships & sailors!!!

  11. haha yes i know ships and sailors!!!! i promise you arent crazy

  12. You should look up Guiness World Record holder of longest nails, Christine.
    Your nail isn’t so freakish :-)

  13. Haha i loooovvvee ships and sailors

  14. Christine. u have one of the best personality’s, the nicest smile and you
    are incredibly attractive. :) i wish you all the best and i think one day
    you will be a famous actress. :)

  15. I know ships and sailors!

  16. @polandbananasBORED you’re welcome. btw i use to play that same game at
    school :)

  17. SHIPS AND SAILORS!!! I’m not a cheerleader, but I know that game. Theatre
    people play ships and sailors. We did it on the stage all the time.

  18. ansleybrea cheer

    i love ships and sailors(:

  19. …. What on earth. The Ships and Sailors thing… O.o im SOO confused XD

  20. We use to play the Captain’s Coming game in primary school (UK elementary
    school)…we’ve never done it in cheer, maybe because we’re university
    students and our coach is a slave driver? lol