Home » Cheerleading Stunt » Learning Cheerleading Stunts » Cheerleading Stunts & Jumps : How to Do Cartwheels in Cheerleading

Cheerleading Stunts & Jumps : How to Do Cartwheels in Cheerleading

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  1. Would this be a good exercise for someone with juvenile arthritis?

  2. i needed that vid! i wuz taught to start wit legs together and cud never do
    it! now im gunna try!

  3. @lyricsmaker102 HEHE NOW I CAN DO IT!

  4. patrickettwisters

    Wrong form in lunge! And you need to turn your hands more to help get your
    hips turned around faster so you can do round offs also your cartwheel
    needs to be longer then your body!

  5. When I’m doing a cartwheel I tuck my legs :(

  6. u r dhe best teacher….$..

  7. Haha

  8. please help me…even though i tqist i stil cant do it!

  9. Kerrington Freeman

    Thx for the bid

  10. MileyCyrusFann12

    Nice vid, i`d never know that with your legs, and that you need to bend
    your whole body 😀 Very helpfull Thx! 😀

  11. you’re not alone! :(

  12. I’m 16 I can’t do a cartwheel to save my life.