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funny cheerleading fails

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  1. Any cheerleaders out there?! It would be awesome if you could check out my
    cheer videos, it would mean the world to me :) a have a little over 15,000

  2. Ok so your saying fat people can be a cheerleader? Cause 0:31 shows it so
    does 1:21 that’s mean! Anyone can be a cheerleader! A person is a person!

  3. I am a GUY and honestly this is NOT FUNNY.

    1. Fat women can be a cheerleader. Because in this video, I think you’re
    making fun of fat women.

    2. 0:31 , 1:21 is not funny. It’s totally painful if these happen to you.

  4. People who say cheer isn’t a sport can just read this now. Cheer is way
    more dangerous just for practices then for a game or comp. when you are in
    comp you have to keep going but if you are in another sport you get to sit
    out of the game now see what ones a sport and what to call a pussy or not
    cause we have to keep going and put a smile in our faces while you sit and
    cry on the field 

  5. that video is not funny. really. bullshit.

  6. just saying these are not funny

  7. What is the song called

  8. Some off these aren’t even cheer related. And just because you are big
    doesn’t mean you can cheer.

  9. What was wrong with the chicks in orange that had the knee high socks?

  10. 1. A lot of these were dancers not cheerleaders
    2. Those falls are not fails, consider it a win that your flier didn’t fall
    down and break her neck

  11. When you’re in cheer, as a base/back spot you’re SUPPOSED TO LOOK AT YOUR

  12. What’s the theme song in this video

  13. I am a cheerleader and I think anybody fat or skinny can be a cheerleader.

  14. lol that’s gross 0:40 

  15. 00:41 shit stain

  16. Rainbows R aweshome

    I want to do cheer but I just HATE when people make fun of cheerleaders
    some of them become lawyers or end up living in a mantion

  17. Photoshop is over used

  18. they just show the over weight girls ….that’s so rude tbh because there
    not “failing” there simply showing them because there weight 

  19. No funny

  20. What’s the song called

  21. All of these ones of the basers or backers ‘looking up their skirts’ is
    stupid. They aren’t really looking up their skirts we have to watch them in
    case they fall towards us so we can be ready to catch. 

  22. I’m not sure what the point of this video is. But it wasn’t funny. 

  23. Marionna Alexander


  24. Pablo Sergio Rivera

    More interested in the hot cheerleader guys thank the bimbos