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Cheer Extreme CRAZY CRAZY Sr Elite Practice March 2014

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  1. Cheer Extreme CRAZY CRAZY Sr Elite Practice March 2014

  2. lol I love how they edited the scream!! XD Soo funny!!!

  3. You guys, Erica is one of the captains of the team. Of course she leads
    them in cheers and pre-warm up stuff. 

  4. When it says yella habebe its saying come on babby

  5. have you went to a competition wherw lions cheer company was there cause i
    think i saw you guys!!

  6. When did Jenee join Sr Elite? I noticed she wasn’t on SE or Smoed at NCA.
    So is she like brand new to SE?

  7. when ericas yelling out the chants, jenee’s like o.o whaaaaaaaat haha she
    looks like a lost puppy. hopefully she’ll get into the flow of things
    before the big worlds!!! w0ooooop

  8. Jenee looks uncomfortable. Disagree if you want but smoed was a better
    environment for her. Yeah she might have been on that team for longer, but
    they didn’t have belly rings and blond hair (bleached) gosh I miss her with
    Maddi. They were inseparable.

  9. 4:53 How they edited that scream in, oh my god xD i cant even.

  10. Why is Jenee there?

  11. Mariana López Castro

    Jenee from Cheerleaders miss her on Smoed!

  12. My life depends on cheerleaders I’m the best

  13. Jenee doesnt look to comfortable when theyre doing the team chant

  14. FINALLY JENEE ~! is erica the leader or something?

  15. 1:13 looked like she was about to drop a bomb ass stunt but she didnt

  16. I wish I was a extreme cheerleader but I’m Still a CA Bullets And I might
    be a Smoed 

  17. Is that jenee from smoed

  18. Love

  19. Proud of jenee- she’s amazing at what she does and no one should question
    of where she should go. 

  20. my sis ??

  21. <3 Smoed

  22. I can do that stuff its easy I am going to try out when I get a little

  23. Jenee’s parents made her quit smoed last season, so she cheers with them

  24. RoKsAnA WiChRoWsKa

    i wish to be a cheerleaders but i can just dance i don’t know how to do
    gimnastic thing like them

  25. I might be a extreme Cheerleader Cause I’m learning them whips