Home » Cheerleading Stunt » Learning Cheerleading Stunts » Cheerleading Stunt Videos – Cheerleading Level 1 through 5

Cheerleading Stunt Videos – Cheerleading Level 1 through 5

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  1. A prep is considered level 1. And scorpion is level 4, and lib-scorpion
    tick tock level 5, toe touch basket level 3-4, then they get to gulls and
    it’s level 5. There’s no level 6 in cheer

  2. Claudia vlogs and videos

    There is level 6 isn’t there 

  3. Calise Adamopoulos

    You cradle on a half in level 1 and in level 2 you can extinction cradle
    and level 3 you can to Scorpio cradle and level 4 can do baskets and level
    5 can do more than all of that!!

  4. I am level 4 now

  5. Wow so I’m already level 4 and I just started cheer like a month ago o-o I
    was in gymnastics so that helps..

  6. THTS not true cradling is in lvl 1 extension cradle is lvl 2 and scorpion
    cradle is lvl 3 cuz I am a lvl 3 and I do scorp cradle

  7. Calise Adamopoulos

    And more

  8. We did all of those in level 2!!

  9. Hannahvlogsandstuff

    I hope you guys know there’s more to this than you think…

  10. My squad is are level 3 and we only started are squad 4 weeks ago

  11. Bethanylovesfashion

    were gonna be doing these at my school.

  12. Can someone please type in utube… Jrcs cheer. And press on the first one
    about jrcs wolves and tell me wat level we r at i think its 2

  13. im a flyer for Louisiana cheer force look on the website we are REALLY good

  14. OMG! I think I went to that gym for my school’s cheerleading training!

  15. your right ilovexexkm, and you its better to do a single bass before a
    liberty, and there is really any levels your just naming stunts

  16. the bases need to get under the stunt and stop looking at it it makes them
    work harder and look sloppy

  17. This is awesome. Went on your site for more information. My daughter is
    starting cheerleading & we didn’t know the differences in the levels. Great

  18. I’m in level 4!!

  19. @iamaprinces1990 A flyer can be any weight. Mostly the flyer just has to be
    smaller then the back spot. I fly and base.

  20. I do all of those and I’m only in level 2 …

  21. did Katrina do cheerleading

  22. redemptionmaddness

    Very cool 😀

  23. @mimistar1231 we are – this was just a 1 week camp

  24. I am a cheerleas, and I Love the basket toss, Is very cool!

  25. was that katrina at 0:17??