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cheerleader walks backwards cant talk Swine flu deadly vaccination ruined cheerleaders life forever

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  1. This is horrible. I will pray for her.

  2. I started breathing heavily when I saw her twitch!

  3. hahaha faker I saw the video 

  4. homegirl went all out in the fakeness level

  5. Doesn’t look real

  6. No, I actually almost cried. This is one of the saddest things I have ever
    seen and anyone that would find this even remotely funny is a disgusting
    individual. How could you laugh at this poor woman?!

  7. Lmao lol! It’s bullshit! She gets caught in anther video with tht same guy
    interviewing her lol! He spy’s on her, he pops out behide a car an she’s
    jst like shocked ahahah!

  8. this is the dummest thing ive ever seen… how could anyone believe

  9. That is so sad, fuck off you pervs. This lady’s life Is ruined and her
    husband will probably leave her too.

  10. Cerebral palsy lol!

  11. Here’s something- can she eat while running? Like on a treadmill??

  12. Fake and kinda funny HAHAHA

  13. so fake

  14. is it bad that all 5 of us in this room laughed our asses off at this

  15. Obviously Bullshit

  16. Wow -.- this is sad.

  17. she faked it

  18. C0m3rc14lProductions

    The people who find this funny go kill yourselfs. What if this happend to
    you? You wouldnt laugh. You idiot. Fuck you guys who find this funny. Go
    kill yourself you cunts.

  19. Guess what happens when you are super gullible and believe everything you
    see on the internet.

  20. I have the flu.i will always get a flu shot for the rest of my life.plz get
    flu shot people because flu os worse

  21. I’m the idiot? This girl was faking it the whole time. It shocks me that a
    program like Inside Edition fell for it thinking it was real.

  22. I dont think she is doing this for attention, i think she is doing this so
    they get flu shots out lawed

  23. Apparently , she doesn’t have dystonia , and this was some sort of
    psycologic thing where the disorder was all in her head, and she believed
    she had it and did this and yea . . . hard to explain but yeah watch this

  24. Right, jack, everyone should do what you say, take what shots you want
    injected into their bodies. You don’t care about the 1 in 80 boys screwed
    by autism, or the 1 in 150 girls, or the likely far higher number of people
    who have their math ability screwed up.

  25. @goddessdianamoon That’s why she’s in trouble. After the story was covered
    by the news, she has since been proven to be a fraud, and this has also
    been on the news. And if she actually knew what a flu shot was, she
    wouldn’t have tried this particular stunt but of course her and the league
    of ignorant anti-vaccine nutcases (LIAV) are out to prove how dumb they can
    be. I think they’re doing a fine fine job.