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Cheerleaders Season 2 Ep. 6 – Party Time!

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  1. if you like cheer videos, it would mean the world to me if you would check
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  2. Fatima Teresa Traore Bello

    00:13 As a ballet dancer i cant belive she cant do splits. I love the show.


  4. they are having so much fun :(

  5. Ray Ray I would love to check ur channel also this ep is cra

  6. I think Travis has a thing for Gabi. Just the way he looks at her, I mean,
    yes, he has to keep his eyes on her while basing, but he’s just, he looks
    so infatuated with her. I mean I would die if he did that to me. But I’ll
    never meet him, sooo. But damn.

  7. I want to be part of a team like that 

  8. Robert’s face when she said it was time to eat.

  9. Lol Roberts face when they said its time to eat

  10. To have an allergy you have to have consumed it before

  11. this is exactly how camp is. 20+ people in a dorm for a party. then waking
    up early and working your butt off

  12. Robert twerking I’m dead

  13. Robert’s expression was priceless when they said its food time

  14. Gabi and Robert❤️❤️

  15. Did anybody else see how happy Robert was when the lady said it was time to

  16. I love how Robert holds everyones hands

  17. I imagine we’re doing stunt circles and i have a lot more spots so i really
    do better when i go up like that 

  18. At 5:16 what’s on his head????

  19. ‘I will kick your boob’

  20. Idk how Gabi does it. I don’t care if they were the best bases in the
    world, I could never fly 20 feet in the air and be upside down for a double
    of seconds

  21. I love rrob he is funny me and him would be close friends

  22. is maddie makeupmaddie omg they look and sound alike and makeupmaddie was a
    cheerleader omg :))

  23. Could you guys check out the one video I have? I need help with my jumps.

  24. Hahaha lol Robert twerking

  25. WTF. 18 and never had a cashew before. They’re one of the most consumed
    nuts on the planet. You need to get out more.