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Cheerleaders Episode 23 – Dallas Pt. 3

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  1. I’m obsessed with this!!!!!

  2. You know what all things happen for a reason. And this showed smoed that
    they have to work even harder this showed how determined they are not to
    give up and how dedicated they are as well im glad it happened that way
    cause it taught them something

  3. I love the gay one sooo cute

  4. Did anyone else notice the judges doing that weird shoulder thing at like

  5. omg i freakin love robert

  6. I already knew that i love robert but when he mentionned the hunger games,
    it was official, he is my husband

  7. Why does Eddie wear a shirt and tie on day 2? But Orby doesn’t x 

  8. Omfg.i love rob.he’s fierce

  9. demi solo they are saying smamily. Its meant to sound like family with
    smoed in it. And for anyone who doesnt know smoed means small coed. Which
    is the kind of team they are!

  10. rob is so cute ahah. He just has so much personality and its adorable. 

  11. I’m sorry what? They didn’t “lose” at all. They came fucking second. That’s
    excellent. Shit. 

  12. ICHEER Cheerleading

    the ending with Robert tho!

  13. I freaking love Robert XD <3 he is my favorite of them all =) 

  14. Locked-In-The-Tardis

    I love Robert so much!!

  15. omg Rob is so fabulous. I freaking love him

  16. The judges though lol

  17. “Snap it Rob, yea snap it!”

  18. Robert was definitely about to say “it was a hot mess” when talking about
    their day 1 performance lol 

  19. I feel like they just show 1/4 of the Smoed Team :/

  20. dancemoms obsessed15

    Madi (I think that’s how you spell it) reminds me of paige hyland

  21. I love gabi and Robert but he really gay and I love it about hem

  22. Its stills hurts when you work so hard just to put in so much effort to get
    2nd .

  23. Lol snap it rob 

  24. I heard my states team