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Eagles Honor Former Cheerleader Turned Soldier

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  1. The Latest Buzz: Eagles Honor Former Cheerleader Turned Soldier

  2. Whoa, there cowboy!! Not so fast.
    Not to take away for the fact that she served twice in a hot combat theater
    . . . combat is combat make no mistake about that! BUT . . . . if you do a
    little research, you will find that she got her Bronze… Star for
    delivering a baby!!
    Delievering a baby!!
    A Bronze Star should be for those that have exhibied valor under direct
    combat (male of female) not for delivering a baby! This insults those that
    have gone before and have given their lives ..or.. have come back with the
    loss of limb.
    I am insulted that she has recieved this for doing what any LE officer
    stateside is trained to do. I applued her service but not the Star.
    This make me wonder if the Army gave her that star because of her looks?
    Anf if the Army is trying to pull another Pat Tillman scam?

  3. PJ PJ PJ PJ