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High School vs. All Star Cheer – Cheerleaders Extras

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  1. Just gonna put it out there I hate school cheer I did it for a week and
    quit and I’ve done all star level 3 for a year and before that I did level
    1 and 2 and it’s way way way way way better

  2. Of course you use a terrible high school team. I’ve done both and my high
    school comp team is way more fun and better than the all star level I was
    put at. 

  3. “I love wearing the uniform and having people look at me like oh she’s a
    cheerleader I’d love to be like that” a cheerleader who lives up to the
    narcissistic stereotype. Yay like we needed anymore 

  4. I don’t like High School cheer its just not the same rush as an All Star

  5. c h e e r f o r e v e r

    I think there’s a huge difference between all star cheer and high school
    cheer. I personally love more all star cheer. You actually work really
    really harder and your coach take in consideration every aspects of cheer ,
    well I mean there’s actually tryouts to be in a all-star team, which there
    isn’t in many high school cheer teams. I’ve never been in an all star team
    before , but I’ve been cheering in high school team during two years and
    I’m now assistant coach in another school team, cause actually there is no
    cheer to my school anymore.. what I wanna say is that for me when I was
    cheering it was not enough hard for me, like I thought we weren’t doing
    anything it was too easy and I was not tired at all after the practice. I’m
    sure I’m not the only one who would like high school cheer to be harder! 

  6. I was on a high school cheer team and all-star team at the same time, until
    my coach found out and kicked me off, but when I was in both, the high
    school teams practices were like a walk in the park. In my opinion high
    school is nowhere near to the ‘intenseness’ that all-star is. It could be
    if they changed a few thing, but there are a lot of school regulations that
    prevent it because they don’t want anyone getting hurt because then they
    could be legally liable. I think both types are cheerleaders are dedicated
    athlete’s, who are not respected enough for what we do. Cheer is a sport!
    (Sorry for any grammar mistakes, my laptop thinks it knows English, but it

  7. school cheer would be better is there wernt so many rules and regulations
    on the stunts. 

  8. Eddie would eat these girls alive. Smoed athletes are MACHINES.

  9. Like how many times can like one person say like in 1 sentence like

  10. See this is so hard to compare unless you’re being really specific as to
    what level. Being in high school cheer I will tell you my cheer team isn’t
    half as good as an all-star team but there are a lot of high school
    cheerleading teams that are definitely as good as some all star teams. Of
    course half of the girls, or if the school allows co-ed then guys too, are
    also on all star teams. Its all about the specific team and how much work
    they really put in, if they do competitions, etc. The point is if you enjoy
    it, why does it matter? :)

  11. I love cheerleaders and i love to cheer

  12. CurlyHairedGoddess

    This argument is pointless. Ive had a taste of both. Both teams were great.
    To be honest, for all the all star cheerleaders saying “ive done both, high
    school is no where near as hard”….. Your high school team was probably
    just crappy. I cheer varsity, we compete, condition and stunt just as hard
    as an all star team. My team has practice twice a day mon-fri and we
    condition every single day. Not to mention we have to work up energy to get
    up for games on saturday. only difference is we cheer at games but you guys
    seem to forget that there ARE many high school teams that most high school
    teams compete as well. And there are also MANY high school teams that would
    blow out an all star team. The girl is comparing a crappy high school team
    to one of the best all star teams in the country…. Not a fair comparison.
    High school cheer is extremely hard and i know for a fact it’s more time
    consuming because not only do we focus on competing but we also have to
    learn cheers and set up stunts for games, etc. if you’re gonna make a
    comparison, make a fair comparison. We’re ALL cheerleaders, don’t look down
    on us. 

  13. All Star Chee ♥

  14. I 100% agree that high school and all star ARE different. My high school
    squad won 4 straight state championships. I was also on a very good level 4
    allstar team. We worked just as hard on my school team as we did my allstar
    team! At some schools, cheerleading just isn’t viewed as important. But,
    don’t ever say that high school cheerladers don’t work as hard as allstar

  15. People are defending Riley or whatever her name is because she’s just
    talking about her school. But just think about all those other girls or
    even boys that don’t know anything about high school cheerleading. She is
    not giving a good representation of high school cheer at all. Cause she
    didn’t say “at least at my school” or anything like that. She said general
    sentences like yeah high school is this and that. So it’s understandable
    that some of us will get mad because of all the work we put in. I’m not
    saying my team was every SMOED worthy but we never did the sloppy shit that
    her team was doing. We did difficult stuff too or what we could do at games
    and at comp we did all our stuff. PLUS THEIR WERE SOME ALLSTAR CHEERLEADERS
    ON MY TEAM AS WELL SOOO I just felt like people don’t take high school
    cheer seriously anyway and this video didn’t put high school cheer in a
    good light. Like, that looked like a JV team…#SorryNotSorry (I mean, the
    pyramid was ok)

  16. allstar is better than high school cheerleaders

  17. to me , all star “cheer” isnt cheerleading at all. if you dont literally
    cheer a whole cheer , your not a cheerleader. saying “yeah !” or “wooo !”
    is not cheering. what all star “cheer” is to me is just jumping , tumbling
    , stunts w/ dancing…. when do you dance in cheer other than your routine
    in competitons ? we only do band dances & pep rally dances at games &

  18. Honestly it just depends how seriously you’re school takes cheerleading.
    Some people visualize it as unimportant and they don’t even consider it a
    sport but it is. 

  19. All star cheer is way better high school cheer is boorriinng

  20. i looooveee this and i loooooveeee that 

  21. Pause at 1min haha big hair

  22. I think it definitely depends on the teams, because not all highschool
    teams are sloppy

  23. High school cheer is nothing compared to All star Cheer. Lol

  24. my high school team treats cheer like all star cheer.. we strive for

  25. Haha such an attention seeker OMG this is hilarious