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Cheerleaders Ep. 19: Gabi’s New Life

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  1. If only my mom was gabi’s mom…

  2. lol the kid just referred to her siblings as “my mom has other children”.
    No wonder she could move if she was so de- attached from her brothers and
    sisters. People whom sacrifice their time together to go for a dream and
    split up a family, takes life for granted. They think they have eternity to
    catch up for the time they lost. They really don’t, and it will be a sad
    day when they realize what they lost. People comment ” I wish my mom would
    let me do that” or “I wish her mom was my mom”, I think they should all be
    lucky whom have parents that say no to them giving up family to fetch their
    dream across the country. I wouldn’t be jealous of that, since they have
    parents that care enough to spend time with them and not just let them go
    so they can fetch their dream and eventually make money. When their old I
    bet most of these families will regret missing out on spending time

  3. What a tough girl. I don’t think I could ever go across the country for
    college, but this girl moved before high school

  4. SevenBestieDancers

    Gabby Douglas moved across the country so why not do it like she did?Her
    name is gabi too

  5. I don’t like gabbys mom some people don’t have the money to pick up and

  6. I wish I had her mom

  7. I absolutely adore!!! Gabi´s mom´s attitude! #Nopainnogain

  8. Gabi’s mom reminds me of my mom.

  9. one of the girls that cheers in my club cheers at top gun (:

  10. Notice how gabby has the same lisp as her mom. Daughter like mom

  11. My mom wouldn’t even let me go to the palm springs convention center to
    watch SMOED…… and i live in palm springs….

  12. My mom would never do that and I live in Florida to!

  13. To everyone commentating “oh my mom isn’t good she won’t do this for me” do
    you realize how expensive it is to fly to CA and back that often. I’m sure
    a lot of your parents would do it but the reality is they simply can’t
    afford it, which doesn’t make them a bad parent. 

  14. gabis mom is so sweet! my parents would the sam exact for me to !

  15. When your rich you can pack up and go across country whenever you want. So
    it probably wasn’t a big deal for gabys mom

  16. I think gabi has a lot more potential than the rest of the cheerleaders but
    they all are really amazing! It inspires me to keep cheering because I know
    working hard enough will get me exactly where I want to be (SMOED) :D

  17. Gabi is incredibly talented, especially with her flexibility. She must be
    really committed to do this if she has to live so far away from her family.
    You have to really love something in order to do that.

  18. Anyone else keep getting the stupid razor commercial Every video u click

  19. I Love Gabi Butler She Is A Inspiration To So Many People and Kiara 

  20. Oo her old cheer thing is close to where I’m from ;o

  21. Does Gabi still live in Bakersfield?

  22. Hannahvlogsandstuff

    sometimes i wish my mom felt this way about cheer leading and me..

  23. Awe i wish my parents were more like her !!! Gabi is one lucky girl

  24. This makes me love gabi even more! ♡ and that has to be one of the best
    moms ever if I told my mom I wanted to move across country to cheer she
    would laugh in my face

  25. gabi’s mom is amazing! *clap clap* respect !