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Hurdlers: Cheerleader Stunts, Stretches, Techniques Dance Moves, Cheer with Jennifer

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  1. People just want you to feel bad I am soooooooooooooo sorry for you

  2. And just to know she is not rude

  3. Everyone commenting you’re Sooo rude

  4. This is terrible

  5. Literally you suck don’t tell someone how to do something if you can’t even
    do it right yourself.

  6. Her jumps look a hot mess

  7. My 5 year old sister does better

  8. My 5 year old sister does better

  9. You got that right

  10. You’re really bad

  11. You suck! I retired from cheerleading nearly 3 years ago, and I can still
    do all that shit better than you,smh

  12. chest up*

  13. you must have no life to have the time to write all that

  14. uhmm that looks weird how you do it :) …! just saying

  15. Your herkies were horrible! Never lad on one foot then the other. That’s so
    sloppy. You land on both feet at the same time.

  16. You need to get your back leg up and your not really jumping at the same
    time on both legs

  17. Hey all these ppl may say ur not a goodcheerleader but truth is half of
    them arent in cheerleading themselfs. im trying out for the JETS in about 3
    weeks its my second time trying i would have got in last yr but my sis is
    on the squad and rule is u cant have siblings on the squad soo i should
    make it this yr! but ur moves are good ! i need some leg streching moves
    and just wanted to see someone elses point of veiw ! if cheerleading is
    your passion u should def try out for an nfl cheerteam ! xoox

  18. tryouts are in 3 day…………. ; ‘ (

  19. CauseOperaToldMeSo

    That foot is like an illegal weapon,Just Whip it at those freaks.

  20. Uhh you need more practice, just saying…

  21. I wonder how you even got into the squad.

  22. Lol… Wow! The technique on this video is so bad… And wrong!

  23. i can do better jumps and im 6

  24. ugh i still cant j8ump

  25. You messes up so much why are u even giving us advice, When ur the one that
    needs the advice