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AMAZING! Cheerleading stunt

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  1. It was really good! But I wouldn’t call it amazing

  2. Our 8th grade cheer team did that too:)

  3. i wish my jr. high team was as good as that

  4. debatable

  5. I love your guys uniform clean and crisp <:-}

  6. What is that stunt called when she brought over her leg?

  7. I’ve done better stunts and i’m not even in high school!!! but good try on
    your good stunt. if your in albuquerque, new mexico, join razzle dazzle

  8. It sort of does matter. Because if you are shorter and weigh little than
    it’s easier for your spotters to be able to catch and throw you.

  9. i wouldnt say amazing

  10. Well it’s school not allstar. School doesnt train like allstar

  11. If u twist down or cradel or aything like that USE MATS!!!!!

  12. you guys are more taleneted than i am at cheerleading! you read these
    haters? keep doing you!

  13. im not “hating” im just pointing out things that are wrong with it.

  14. Our middle school does that…

  15. Very, very clean and effortless! Nice!

  16. LilMissSunshineXoXoX

    Not anymore! they changed the rules and now you can do flips and stuff in a
    stunt! :)

  17. nice groupstunt 😀

  18. we do that for my cheer team I’m 10

  19. oh ive done that stunt its so fun!!

  20. What company did you guys get your uniforms from????

  21. you forgot to point out the things wrong with u

  22. I love how everyone cheers for you guys when youre stunting. That neveerrr
    happened at my old high school :/

  23. oh well…. nothing happened…..

  24. This is not even an amazing stunt ! i seen better.