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Cheerleaders Season 2 Ep. 30: Smoed Vs. The Curse!

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  1. Kassidy was really mean about Xavier at the end

  2. I feel like theyre worrying too much about the curse. If they think there
    is a curse, even if theres not, somethings gonna happen its all about their

  3. GUESS WHO WON WORLDS!!!!!!!! 

  4. Awesomeness TV should fo the same series just for volleyball.

  5. Um Kassidy, last time I checked you’re not the coach, don’t give

  6. I’m not very fond of Kassidy. Like at all..

  7. The people who didn’t beleve in the curse messed up that’s crazy

  8. Was Cassidy just blaming xavier….

  9. are Eddie and Orby like… just two men who teach smoed, or are they
    like… togetheeer? like a couple thing?:D 

  10. Kassidy is out of order for blaming X. Everyone screwed up; tumbling was a
    mess, one stunt fell and so did X’s single base. In the end it didn’t even
    matter that X dropped as it was an awful performance. 

  11. I love Riley so much

  12. Not trying to be rude or anything, because I love Gabi, but did she get
    some kind of surgery or botox cuz her face is really stiff.

  13. I hate kassidy she was so mean to Xavier Riley said dont blame it on anyone
    but of course there goes kassidy

  14. Can u stop saying the results for woulds 

  15. They need to upload like an episode of cheerleaders a day because smoed are
    already at worlds

  16. Rylie is my favorite. She has so much inspiration. If we were on the same
    team, she would be the one that would make me want to stay. 

  17. QUEEN RILEY <3

  18. Anyone know how tall Riley is? 

  19. Uh oh who dropped the spirit stick?!?!

  20. I’m gonna smack kassidy.

  21. I can’t believe how behind this show is….Worlds is this weekend!!!

  22. Riley is the realest person i know.

  23. When I used to do cheerleading we would always mess up somehow but we never
    went to nationals

  24. 11 bobles 7 touches

  25. I’m slowly gaining more and more respect for Riley throughout this season.
    She really is just a great girl who really cares about her team and is
    willing to push through anything with a positive attitude.