Home » Cheerleading Stunt » Learning Cheerleading Stunts » Advanced Cheerleading; Tips & Techniques : How to Do an Individual Stunt in Cheerleading

Advanced Cheerleading; Tips & Techniques : How to Do an Individual Stunt in Cheerleading

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  1. Hey good cheer lesson

  2. For all you flyers out there who have been asking for tips bcz this doesn’t
    help. Just lock your knees, ans squeeze your butt. Lol I know but it helps

  3. GREAT cradle. its reallyy good.

  4. Campbell Phemister

    umm ok u dont need all thos girls just 2 go into prep position prep positon
    only needs 2 for base and a Flyer if u go into extention then u need a
    backspot but stunts look better without front spoters!!!

  5. @ my school she doesnt load in 1 foot @ a time. We count 1 2 down up.

  6. Yall Call This Advanced ? Hahahahahahahhahaha! (: Yall Suckk !

  7. My sisters a cheerleader and she does not have a front base!!!! I hate how
    cheer teams have front bases it would bother me if i was a front base! Nice
    Cradle, but i need more info!!!

  8. nice and very advanced adn perfect!

  9. yeah this is definetly a half press, and you definetly dont need a front
    spot! i do these everyday and i have never used a front spot! you dont need
    one and its not required, we use a back spot but they dont have to be
    taller than the bases!

  10. @polkadots1600 stand up immediately after you push off, straighten your
    legs as soon as possible.

  11. when the flyer goes into the “frog position” its really bad. and how is
    this advanced. imma freshman on my cheer squad (first year) adn this was
    the second day of practice and we got this down in maybe 30 mins.

  12. awesome cradle.

  13. Nice, clean cradle. Good overall demonstration of what to do, but
    individual positions will need more specific information.

  14. Why do they need a front spot for this? I have done this with no front spot
    or back spot. I only had my two bases. This isn’t advanced…

  15. nice cradle but ever heard of a banana? u guys stunt way differently then
    us but ur bases throw good on that cradle

  16. w/e just saying how we dont need front spots for a prep first of all thats
    not high up at all so w/e hunny. The rest of the ppl would’ve caught her
    trust me. and mabeyy its ur flyers fault for not gettting her foot back in

  17. awesome cradle

  18. This is not advanced…. we do this everyday at practice!!!

  19. that is so easy try way harder stunts

  20. when do u stand up???

  21. I’m a flyer on a JV team and have only been stunting for about a week and
    I’ve done thigh stands, twist up thigh stands, thigh stand to elevator,
    elevators, extensions, mountain climbers, J-ups, shoot the ducks, cuppies,
    twist ups, hopscotch elevators, reloads, shoulder sits, straight arch
    cradles, kick cradles, twist cradles, 2 different kinds of pyramids, and
    that’s just the ones I can remember… and we don’t use a front spot. this
    isn’t advanced…

  22. at my skool we only use a back spotter just to be safe but if we dont need
    1 we dont use 1

  23. @loveiyou1 Yes they do need to be taller than the bases if you are going up
    into extension.

  24. that bigger women whos maining, shes like 40 why is she cheerleading.