Home » Cheerleading Stunt » Cheerleading Pyramid » EFA cheerleading pyramid

EFA cheerleading pyramid

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  1. Wow… that was very slow. like even slow for just learning it.

  2. you guys should practice before posting videos

  3. Sorry It Looks Really Sloppy And The Prep Time Is Wayyy To Long

  4. okay idiots. its a game pyramid that we learned about 10 minutes before he
    taped it. it was also one of the times we messed up. take your criticism
    somewhere else.

  5. that was horrible!

  6. well its also really ugly and i dont kno why u would ever do that at a game!

  7. BAD! very sloppy. very slow. just all around BAD! get ut team together and
    work much harder girls!!!!!

  8. are you canadaian? just wonderiing,

  9. i think thats very good for one of your first attemps, and getting that in
    10 mins is really quick i think. well done! x

  10. its really slow.

  11. I remember the Elmira of my youth in the early 1960s when the Eire
    Lackawanna RR still ran the Pheobe Snow into town and Eldridge Park was
    going strong and there seemed to be plenty of jobs for everyone…oh so
    many must now move away when the become young adults…makes me sad…sorry
    to get maudlin…you go (EFA) girls, great cheerleading prep/training!!!!!
    Signed, Old timer.

  12. get tighter and remember your counts!

  13. you fuckin ass at least they have the confidence to upload a video i bet yo
    asss aint got nothin on them play with it

  14. it’s REALLY messy. the girls in the halves were VERY messy. straighten up
    those legs. lock those knees.

  15. for the right main stunt group why are the bases backwards? even if you
    don’t normally lib on the leg they should learn to switch.

  16. i thought it was cool lol

  17. you fuckin suck as a matter of fact you suck DICK i know these girls you

  18. this pyramid would look alot better if the transitions were faster and if
    the flyers got more height when they were tossed up to the buts and then if
    they got more height when they go to land on their stomache, it would be
    alot mor evisula then just 3 preps and 2 randoms flyers.

  19. yea, have the flyers tighten up alot. and the cradles need to be cought
    higher. and eyes always on the flyer cuz it didnt seem like that was

  20. good video. have you seen the pyra apparel video

  21. the middle group are spread so far apart, they need to bring the legs in
    closer and bases need to catch batter during cradles, there were gaps
    between the arms and th top, it dangerous if you let that happen, you need
    a tight grip on the top or they will hurt themselves and you…it was a
    nice pyramid, but it need to be alot tighter, and Smile ladies!

  22. everyone needs to be tighter, and thats not a very fun interesting stunt…

  23. lol at the end.. the bases all moaned when they cradled the flyers..
    hehee.. but nice work tho.. work up on it a bit and itll be better.. ; )

  24. I agree Very slow And tell your backspots to hold the flyers butt higher,
    and it would go up eassier

  25. i liked it.. and ppl saying it was slow mayb they jus learned it so they
    dont wanna go fast ?