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Cheer Routines: Cheerleader Stunts, Stretches, Techniques Dance Moves, Jennifer

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  1. My junior varsity girls are better than you are

  2. im an cheerleader also

  3. that was awesome my daughter is signing up for cheering so yea she loves to

  4. So cool

  5. I can even count the things that was wrong with your jumps. You have
    horrible technique.

  6. These people in the comment section have a point like if she sucked so bad
    you wouldn’t be watching the video.and btw she could have done better in
    her video

  7. When you do a backbend kick over you keep your heels down not up then kick

  8. I smell haters there close

  9. Lily Horan Stella

    I think u just ruined cheerleading ur awful

  10. Guys quit hating. Her jumps are probably better than yours. If you wanna
    hate on someone, hate to your pillow. Cheer is about spirit and you guys
    are sucking all the spirit out of this so be quiet. 

  11. You think you can cheer just because your flexible

  12. Oh my gosh you guys are rude stop being a hater

  13. Kamalendra Parikh

    My dogs a better Cheerleader

  14. your jumps suck no offence

  15. Oh no you can not cheer or anything ! You need to work on your jumps cause
    you look retarded a’f !! No no no !! You just fucked up cheerleading

  16. One Direction Forever

    My god those jumps… She really needs to work on those

  17. She sounds like a rubber ducky

  18. yeaa they helped me too…. why r people hating like…. dont be a hater!!

  19. She bends when she jumps

  20. Awesome video! These videos are really helping me.. I’m tryna practice for
    tryouts next year when I am a freshmen. Its really helping me.

  21. 1:56 was soooooo awkward…

  22. TheSexylegsandfeet

    Nice Legs

  23. I am 13 and on the senior cheer team and I am better

  24. cheyannalovesmakeup

    no she didnt… thats why shes wearing a cheer uniform you fucking idiot

  25. hey guys ok so im a freerunner and tricker so yea i can flip really good
    and my friend wants me to be in cheerleading with her what you guys think