Home » Cheerleading Competitions » Cheer kids Jr Pee Wees

Cheer kids Jr Pee Wees

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  1. Say Selena three times post on another video and listen to your voice

  2. Who peed

  3. Awh how cute

  4. wow i could do that stuf at 2. no offence i might have learned faster i


  6. So cute

  7. So cute! And thet did awesome!

  8. They girls is coool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

  9. awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! I loved it they are sooooooooooo cute

  10. Omg !! I saw these girls at cheer camp !! They’re so cute xD

  11. That comment wasn’t necessary, they are young and they may not have been
    doing it for long. Think before you post a hateful comment on someones
    video, it could hurt their feelings.