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Cheerleading Basket Toss Video – How to do the Basket Toss

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  1. thank you i must try this with my team
    can you make other video for other stunts please

  2. that was so much help thank you

  3. @princessangel133 when you throw get more under neath or try throwing with
    the two main bases place your hand under theirs and throw strait up the
    flyer should be able to prep and enter the stunt without the back spot

  4. i really stinks when you get dropped but as long as you are SUPER tight it
    won’t hurt as bad. if your stunt group keeps dropping you then ask for a
    front spot to start out with

  5. actually i’ve found that a str8 up basket is harder for the flyer. all of
    the 1st yr flyers automatically threw a toe touch in the air, but had to
    learn how to go up str8 b/c of their level. its all the same for the bases

  6. creativitychick101

    good video =)…..we did a toetouch basket toss and got a bit more height
    wen we did it =) xx

  7. its not advanced at all and she didmt even ride it as high as she cud
    basket tosses r supposed to be way higher than that and usually u dont just
    go strait up try and x-out next time

  8. the 3rd spot or whatever is called the backspot and i call the top a flyer

  9. @Peace25252 this was just a how to demo – not a competition with the usual
    team members

  10. she doesn’t ride the basket toss.

  11. It was pretty good straight through, but just remember not to bounce the
    flyer out of the cradle position, stay tight. It should be 2 different
    motions when you catch her, not just one long one. And bases need to make
    sure to keep their backs straight. Good job.(:

  12. SuperSimpsonizer79

    I love this! I hate when people think that cheer is easy to do!! if only
    they see what really happens behinds the smiles… this video is amazing

  13. My cheer team can do these! I’m eleven my other base is ten and my flyer is

  14. yeah i’m in 7th grade and we have to do them. i’m a flyer and my stunt
    group keeps messing up and i got dropped.

  15. in my comp . we did 2 basket tosses … they were really high .. so high
    tht the basket toss messed up the music routine

  16. i am in seventh grade and we do basket tosses. actually, the 4th and 5th
    graders do them too! are all u guys in highschool? btw, great video!!!!

  17. This is my favorite stunt in cheer I’m a base ^.^ got a million bruises on
    my hands though

  18. im a backspot and i keep throwing the flyyer to s]the side

  19. purplelurple123 its not scary at all its acually kinda fun!!

  20. They barely tossed her!

  21. Deidarasgirl91ify

    i swear they r gonna hit the fan.

  22. fans!?

  23. basket tosses are fun:D can’t wait nex week to startt doing them

  24. it looks scary!=0