Home » Cheerleading Stunt » Learning Cheerleading Stunts » Basic Cheerleading Stunting : The Shoulder Sit in Cheer Stunting

Basic Cheerleading Stunting : The Shoulder Sit in Cheer Stunting

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  1. Yes, Height is really the main factor. I find that even if a girl has a
    little more weight on she is easier to put up then someone who is taller.
    One of the smallest girls on our squad is too tall so we had to make her a
    front spot.

  2. @mypinkbubblesbubbles Are people stupid ? This video says “BASIC
    CHEERLEADING STUNTING” …… once again “BASIC” , if you losers think you
    can do so much better, than DON’T WATCH BASIC VIDEOS LIKE THIS. It’s as
    simple as that , honestly ….

  3. help me!!! i really wanna b a flyer, but i think im too tall, but im rely
    skinny and pretty much have no weight on me compaired to people my age,
    does height matter when you fly?

  4. started cheer like 2 weeks ago and weve moved on from this!!

  5. your spelling & grammar is too shitty to understand. probably why you dont
    know what ‘BASIC’ means

  6. Shorter people are easier to lift as well as skinny people. Being skinny,
    however, does not automatically earn you a flying spot. Small flyers are
    easier to base and catch. Hope I helped :)

  7. But we have to throw her up not using a thigh stand and she goes off the

  8. i do it better lol

  9. yea! i agree they are alwsome.

  10. i love cheering and i love doing mounts like fulls and stuff!!!

  11. Does anyone see people boxing in the background?

  12. Seriously, I can way way way better than that and I am in junior high. Try
    more advanced stunts.

  13. i do that and im in middle school but we dont do them that much because
    they were too simple for us and we wanted more advanced stuff!

  14. wtf , i don’t even think this should even be considered a stunt lmfao but

  15. Shannon Quackenbush

    you dismount weirddd when we did those last year for comp, i was a flyer
    and when we dismounted i jumped behind herr

  16. @hippydelux Then please, enlighten us all..make some tuturiol vids for us
    all to watch and learn your amazing skills.

  17. I hurt my ankel cant spell haha in a stunt now im doing a shouler sit :'( i
    got my backflip from a basket toss sorry but dammmmn it ugggggg i hate the
    base and back that hurt me grrrr go die in a hole uggg this suck i look
    like a mini and not a good cheerleader i got the 1st year cheerleader last
    year i can kiss that good bye uggg :'( this suck

  18. Ya know all these clips that they made were AWESOME! I learned a lot from

  19. i do this in my dance so easy and my class is 9 to 13 but can be very

  20. I do this and its pretty fun also I do shoulder stands (when someone stands
    on someone elses shoulders) which are just like this and are also fun.

  21. i think the spartans are cavalier manor spartans are great hmnnnnnnnn

  22. ok so im 5’7 and super skinny, and i want to be a flyer….im on my high
    school’s squad and my friends say i cant cuz of my height. why does that
    matter so much?

  23. @MissKimberlyAnn1 Can you read? It says “Basic Cheerleading Stunting”
    …………… “basic,” plus nobody cares if you can do better. Seriously.

  24. Im teaching some grades 3-6 girls this and im so exited to teach them!