Home » Cheerleading Competitions » Kayla’s Solo Cheer Competition!

Kayla’s Solo Cheer Competition!

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  1. In My Free Time I like To DO Something Active, Laptop (roblox) or go
    SHOPPING and buying Lululemon and VNA clothes :D

  2. I dont really have spear time because i am always at school then gymnastics
    dance and after that its like 8 but when i do have some speartime i like to
    hang out with my friends

  3. Not to be mean or anything but whats up with the spots in her arm?

  4. Does anyone know a good free editing app

  5. when your cheering make sure your wrists arent bent and when your clapping
    put your elbows together

  6. why does she have white spots on her arms and face???
    i think she should drink more milk!!!!

  7. Playing lacrosse:))

  8. i like to do gymnastics!! 

  9. OMG I finally got a shout out for the first time! 

  10. Yeah I agree

  11. I love singing

  12. Does anyone know any free editing photo and video editing apps. For apple

  13. You talk to soft and quiet sometimes I can’t even hear you

  14. That was a horrible cheer, arent cheerleaders supposed to do gymnastics and
    at lest do something entertaining??

  15. Play on my iPad

  16. Her vids need more exaggeration

  17. Kayla do you talk Spanish

  18. i do gymnastics. i am such a big fan i love you.

  19. I like to read, play with my phone, and watch SSG. 

  20. I don’ like this video not suit you

  21. katelynn Hedgecoke

    I like to ride horses or read a book.

  22. Cool cheer

  23. SSG is for kids enjoyment not to get shoutouts on every video and that what
    people want In fact i have NEVER EVER gotten a shoutout on ssg 

  24. I love to dance bc I’m a dancer soo yea who else loves to dance