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NSA Cheerleader Mike Rogers Leaves Congress for Talk Radio

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  1. VikingLeifEricson

    Fuck the NSA and CIA ! me glad Canada no have NWO assholes like USA has ! 

  2. David Knight does a great job with the news. He’s like a real journalist.

  3. WAIT LOL is this SCUM going into talk radio to compete with alex jones?? IT
    SEEMS THAT WAY. Why would he want to give up that good job he has with the
    NSA. Seems to me that the elite are paying off their MOUTHPIECES to go into
    talk radio so that alex jones will have competition and to have people on
    the opposite side of alex doing talk radio. They are LOSING the info war
    hillary even admitted it so they are getting DESPERATE to stop alex and
    others like him from winning the info war. 

  4. Give a shit what this globalist NWO asshole spouts if you want. I don’t
    give a rat’s ass what Mike Rogers says or does.

    Physically cut my cable TV in 1994.

    No more mainsewer snews for me.

  5. I suppose Jim Rogers is getting Joe Lieberman level hatred. Rumor has it
    that Joe Lieberman’s office was flooded with phone calls from angry
    Americans throwing f-bombs into the receiver. Plus there were many kindly
    suggestions to Lieberman as to what to dilate his anal cavity with. I heard
    that the staff was so used to the profanities directed at Lieberman that
    they didn’t even slam the phone down or act insulted. They just said,
    “Thank you, sir. I’ll pass your comments along to the Senator.”

  6. This is because the NSA is infested by Russian agents. Don’t you find
    strange that 4 phone call very detrimental to US interest has been released
    lately? Or course, Russia could have develop a similar spying program to
    the US, but frankly don’t you think that it would be a lot more economical
    to just infiltrate the NSA and get the same information?

  7. TheAlexJonesChannel
  8. C I A R A D I O ……….LOL

  9. Rats leaving the ship is right. Politicians are parasites. They can thrive
    only when undetected. America is putting on its Front Line flea treatment
    and the fleas are jumping off to find another host to feed from.

  10. Mike Rogers must feel the traitors’ noose tightening around his neck.
    Leaving Congress for talk radio won’t save him from prosecution for

  11. “Dumb and Dumber” best road trip travel scene(s) ever!

  12. Annie Ominous features Rogers as part of an angry DC mob chasing Snowden in
    her crazy animated music video Just Trust Us! Cynical but funny.

  13. Time for a new fresh faced pack of maggots to tell the same old lies, and
    pull the same old shit, on the forever same old gullible and distressed
    public. Would’nt tink votes would be too much concern with voting machines.
    Certainly worked for Soetoro. 

  14. even the gov trolls know and are waking up. Keep sending them lol Your
    useless government program doesn’t work huehuehue

  15. another dushbag

  16. Project Mockingbird, or in Mike Rogers’ case, Project Dodo Bird

  17. The AntiCoIntelPro Show

    Because he knows the political/msm/corporate culling is here.

  18. sunflowerseedsyummy

    Internet Undercover Propaganda Talk Shows
    Propaganda is a form of communication aimed towards influencing the
    attitude of a population toward some cause or position.
    Propaganda is information that is not impartial and used primarily to
    influence an audience and further an agenda, often by presenting facts
    selectively (thus possibly lying by omission) to encourage a particular
    synthesis, or using loaded messages to produce an emotional rather than
    rational response to the information presented. Propaganda can be used as a
    form of ideological or commercial warfare.
    While the term propaganda has acquired a strongly negative connotation by
    association with its most manipulative and jingoistic examples (e.g. Nazi
    propaganda used to justify the Holocaust), propaganda in its original sense
    was neutral, and could refer to uses that were generally benign or
    innocuous, such as public health recommendations, signs encouraging
    citizens to participate in a census or election, or messages encouraging
    persons to report crimes to law enforcement, among others.

    Read More: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Propaganda