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9 year old cheerleaders ACL surgery and rehab

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  1. crutches for a little tear. I sprained my ankle and I was up walking
    without crutches in a few HOURS.

  2. this is so dramatic for a fucking tear lol

  3. Stop being rude everybody I have torn my ACL cheering too and it is painful
    and very upsetting give the poor girl a break by the way I love the song 

  4. I almost tore mine buy basketball too like derick rose but I got lucky. 

  5. “Flip Flop?” It’s called a back handspring. good god you sound so stupid.
    so is a lvl 5 pass a floating summersault handstand cartwheel two flip
    flops to a twisty?

  6. if shes only 9 years old and a cheerleader for some little group and torn
    her acl thats a little much and the long scar was stupid mine is only
    keyhole size and they repaired my acl and torn meniscus with no big ass
    scar and my meniscus was bad

  7. Not to sound coarse, but an ACL tear is not that dramatic as you make it
    sound. I tore my ACL and had surgery as she from playing college soccer. It
    does not make that much of an impact on your life. If you need surgery, get
    surgery and rehab. If not use a brace and get rehab. No biggie. I’ve been
    playing soccer since my mom pushed me out and tearing ligaments, fractures
    happen. Broke my ankle in second grade during a soccer game. It’s part of


  9. Why did u make a video? Seriously? Not necessary!

  10. I’m having this soon, so scared ;(

  11. She is strong

  12. louiserose118118 Louise

    are bless her keep it up kid your doing really well 

  13. I had reconstructive tissue surgery for under my knee cap, I had a 9 month
    recovery and was on crutches for three, that was when I was 11. In April I
    stressed fractured my back, it’s now November (8 months later) and I still
    haven’t nearly healed and could get back surgery. I also just got diagnosed
    with EDS type 3 so look it up if you want. Other than that I’ve broken a
    bone every year since I was for. So acl surgery seems pretty easy compared
    to what I have been through. 

  14. You think that bad,I had to go through rabies shots and shingles.I had
    shingles IN MY EYE!!!!!! Yours isn’t NEARLY as bad!

  15. ive never broken a bone or had sugery

  16. Why is her scar so big, don’t they normally do just ACL by keyhole?

  17. Going through the same things as her right now as a 15 year old. Do you
    have any tips on getting through this. It’s about to be week 3 for me.

  18. bernadette oallesma

    what is acl

  19. FʟᴏʀɪᴅᴀMᴏᴅs - @Booters - #DMT Leader!

    I just had reconstructive knee surgery. Soccer player for 10 years. I got
    my friends cleat jammed into my shin (tibia) and kneecap (patella). I could
    not bend my leg. At first I thought it was just a dislocated kneecap and I
    would be fine within a month. X-Rays showed an Avulsion fracture to my
    tibia, dislocated kneecap and another crack in a bone around that area.
    They ended up putting 2 screws in my tibia, one where the chunk of bone
    broke off with the patella tendon attached (not torn thank god) and where
    they found the crack after the ct scan. As we speak I’m in a full leg cast
    from my toes to about my groin. Will have it taken off in 8 weeks. For
    everything to heal it’s going to take 5-6 months. This sucks. Good luck
    with your daughter, hope she had a full and speedy recovery, I wish I would
    of torn my acl.

  20. That is a really aggressive schedule. Hope everything worked out ok.

  21. Why the long scar?

  22. it seems like its been 2 years for you already. Today makes 8 days since my
    acl reconstruction. Hows your activity now?

  23. I had to do physical therapy because I broke my foot over at modern dance
    class my dance teacher let the girls in my class get me crutches and
    decorate it with all stuff I like and the crutches were the worst I wanted
    to depend on my boot for walking but that lasted 2 weeks we went back told
    me crutches I was crushed but hey they helped. I am happy the crutches
    lasted 1 week then I had to use my foot that hurt and hospital was kind my
    physical thearipist told me if did a mile on the treadmill with one foot
    (Broken) he’d give me 3 packs of candy. It helped now when I ever I pass
    the hospital I eather crie or smile

  24. i had surgery on my thumb on july 3,2013