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My Mother’s a Cheerleader!

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  1. Take something off! And when are you going to give ME a shout out?

  2. i will subscribe to you if you take off your shirt when you talk. plz..and
    i’ll promote it.

  3. that gps is a mio my mom got a mio too lol

  4. @tbs104 FAIL!

  5. What did that have to do with your mom beinga cheerleader???? PLease I
    wouild like to know!

  6. this is edited a lot; it makes it look like you’re twitching. I found it
    quite distracting.

  7. You always have to ask your self about the cancer Industry? With so much
    money and effort and jobs and profit to researchers and pharmaceuticals, is
    it in there best interest to find a cure. Why put an end to the golden

  8. omg this is a news report and she wont take of anything for any of u

  9. Love your videos :) and hah about Knight Rider and that idiot lost for 25
    years 😛

  10. i WANT that cheerleader mother.


  12. i think in cover with the viteman cuase i have gummy viteman and i thought
    it was candy and i ate the entire jar in 6 days im 10 thats y. lol

  13. I’ve heard of cheerleaders running the highschool. Don’t be too surprised
    when it happens. The regular students wouldn’t even knew that it was

  14. everyones birthday is in october. even mine 😀 oct 9 ftw.

  15. celebrity elephants get off so easy these days

  16. whats da name of da song in da begining??

  17. i want 2 bone u

  18. whattt this news is crazyyyy… that cancer thing blew my mind, the
    government is so corrupt -_- … A person spent 25 years in Burma what the
    hell… thats is messed up, and an elephant addicted to heroine going
    through rehab? is that even possible O_O

  19. The title is VERY misleading, but I liked your news some of them are really
    interesting 😛 but is that “lost woman’s story” really true ?? ^o)

  20. LOL mother cheerleader …

  21. I love these videos!


  23. The music I use is always referred to in the description.

  24. your voice sounds like tania lol

  25. cuuuuuuuute x x x x x x x shes scrumpshus