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Cheerleaders Season 2 Ep. 34 – Welcome to Dallas

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  1. Whoever makes this show: can you guys please show LESS of Maddie? And more
    of Gabi, Payton, the guys? The camera is constantly on Maddie and her
    obnoxious voice

  2. Where is gabi??

  3. Kelsey touched on day 1 but they showed day 2… so theres not much you can
    see… if you watch day 1 its easier to see because it actually happened

  4. did they win?


  6. Ugh I wish these videos were like an hour long like seriously I could watch
    smoed all day long!!:)

  7. The girl at the back at 7:30

  8. Riley is so worried about her team that she would risk her own knee and her
    team only cares if she can get through the routine for their benefit 

  9. Are these the California lady bullets??? 

  10. Does anyone know if Payton will compete with Smoed next season? She did an
    outstanding job being she learned the routine in only 9 days. 

  11. Payton’s kick doubles are flawless 

  12. I can’t stand Kassidy! God, she is such a know it all!

  13. I want jenee to come back she is just soo sweet miss her i wonder why her
    mum made her quit.x

  14. Riley is really going to pay for it in the coming years, doing that to her

  15. yall are soooo awesome

  16. LiveLaughLoveCheer14

    i spy cheetahs in warmups(:

  17. What doctors do these girls see? LOL that was a terrible explanation of
    swelling in a knee. 

  18. I’m sorry but I can’t stand maddie. She talks and talks and talks and she’s
    sweet but I just can’t

  19. Florencia Guerra Yaffé

    This NCAA competition was from 2013 or 2014? I´m not that much into
    cheerleading so I get confused! I love the show though

  20. Taylor Troxell Troxell

    They kept saying that this was day one but it’s day 2 footage of them
    performing… What?

  21. Anyone else notice how all of a sudden in the performance their skirts turn
    to blue? umm… okay….

  22. amazing! when will cheerhab be available?

  23. Even though I love Cassidy, why didn’t they put Payton in before?

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