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A Guide To Doing An Elevator Stunt In Cheerleading

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  1. She did even explain how to settle

  2. Stunts are done in counts?! REALLY, I DID NOT KNOW THAT! (notice the

  3. Is it weird that the flyer is taller than the backspot?

  4. The way this girl talks is insulting to cheerleading. A backspot isn’t a
    fricking spotter. Sometimes they lift the flier the most in triple based
    stunt. This flier can’t load a stunt either.

  5. this isnt even an elevator stunt. its called an extension prep

  6. the flyer isn’t really good, this stunt would not work without her backspot
    (right, backspot, not spotter!)

  7. elevator is an american name for a prep

  8. amelialoves nutmeg


  9. Horrible.

  10. First of all it’s called a prep and I didn’t even know you could come down
    from one like that either?

  11. @nicolaisaangel

  12. This was my cheer homework to watch videos of the cradle stunts we have to
    so it!

  13. That is flyer is awful, that was so ugly, and you can do that stunt without
    a backspot . This is a disgrace to allstar cheer

  14. IT’S A PREP!!!!!!!!!

  15. ugh the flyers butt is suppose to be up instead shes in some awkward squat,
    also her bases should be holding her feet closer together in hangtime