Home » Cheerleading Competitions » Kamehameha Cheer 1st Place in 2010 National Competition in Orlando, Florida

Kamehameha Cheer 1st Place in 2010 National Competition in Orlando, Florida

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  1. Hawaii represent yeah baby cheeeehoooo

  2. It’s very challenging to get 1st at the Worlds competiton…Such
    dedication! Good job ladies!! (:

  3. tis aint bad……

  4. @09tkanoelani yah tell you tell um Kamehameha deserve the 1st place. They
    just mad cuz us hawaii we know how to represent our state. GO!…
    WARRIORS… cheee heee… yup yup…

  5. whoa yall r awesome!!!!!!!!!! no wonder yall got first it was flawless!!!!!
    u must have practice for hours every day a week with daily conditioning or

  6. luv iT:)

  7. sorry I ain’t your HUN so dream on. R U MAD CAUSE UR NOT ON ESPN LMAO….
    This girls will whoop!… your ass.. so hush and stop dissing them from

  8. if uca had an overall category the warriors would surely take first place
    in that too

  9. They? WON?? they’re music wasnt even synchronized the right way >: /

  10. imua (:

  11. @2noepurple their dance is actually a lot better than most UCA teams’
    dances which just consist of a bunch of motions put together so the dance
    is actually pretty great.

  12. i mua kamehameha <3 c/o 08

  13. where is this school?

  14. @Hughug21 wtf is ur problem? sorry but dude really?! you think we like
    wearing those gross things? you think we dont do anything but work on our
    looks?if i were to ever so you cheer i would save the i-told-you-so when
    you came out of the hospital with a full body cast

  15. I thought they have in Canada?

  16. i soooo remember watchng this they was amazing!!!!!!!!!!!! i love them!!!!!

  17. peacelovetumbling97

    beautiful *tears*

  18. This team was legit….their music sucked but its nt tha music tht makes
    cheerleaders good, its the skills shown tht show their dedication to the
    sport. And besides a few low tuck sets, their double downs and kick doubles
    were amazing! Love this team!

  19. @DrPunchBuggy i thought they have one?

  20. Proud to say my little cousin is a part of this team!

  21. They TOTALLY deserve 1st… they are SO very clean in every move they do!
    Great Program Coach!

  22. ugh *here’s a xanax*

  23. wish we got these in canada, we don’t even have cheerleading at our high

  24. Stunting was AWESOME but they didn’t have much tumbling and the dance was
    boring slow and not creative but very clean. But I’m in sixth grade in pop
    Warner and I do faster more creative dances that r just as clean. But
    definitely this squad deserved first place

  25. only HIGHSCHOOL?!?! WOW