Home » Learn Cheerleading » Cheerleading Tips » So you think you can BASE? Cheer Extreme Alexandria Ferri

So you think you can BASE? Cheer Extreme Alexandria Ferri

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  1. i haven been to cheer for ike 3 months cus thins kept getting inthe way,I

  2. I’m a flyer and I give her so much credit I thought If I was ever a base it
    would be easy but now it looks hard 


  4. She is super good . This is my first year as a cheerleader and basing so
    its really hard .

  5. Basing takes so much stamina! It’s so frustrating that they don’t always
    get the credit they deserve. And Alexandria is a pretty small girl lifting
    girls that are about her size. That takes so much strength. It’s
    unbelievable that she moves from flyer to flyer without fault! Getting used
    to one flyer is hard enough, but ALL OF THEM?! She’s amazing. 

  6. Being base looks scarier than being a flyer! Watching someone falling down
    on u and having to catch them! With my luck I’d get kicked in the face XD

  7. Great I’m a flyer but I was dropped on purpose in mid Michigan all stars so
    I went to capital in gr and the just starting me on basing. I was clues
    less but turned out I’m a great base on the first day I already had hit the
    ground just so the flyer didn’t 

  8. Easy.

  9. Great I’m a flyer but I was dropped on purpose in mid Michigan all stars so
    I went to capital in gr and the just starting me on basing. I was clues
    less but turned out I’m a great base on the first day I already had hit the
    ground just so the flyer didn’t 

  10. She based 7 flyers. #yougo

  11. If the last two flyers weren’t the same person (because we can only see a
    foot there), then she lifted nine flyers all in the same routine. NINE. I
    My biggest congratulations to Alexandria for being an amazing base and know
    that she has all my respect. 

  12. I wish Taylor Minchew was still a lady of teal ! I hope shes is still a
    popular flyer

  13. no ofence to the team their working hard on hard stunts but am i the only
    one thinking their not very clean

  14. CassidythePrincess

    It’s a good thing she doesn’t do a tumbling pass! I bet that girl’s
    exhausted from lifting so many people in a short period of time. So happy
    to see a base being recognized for her talents! <3 

  15. As someone who only ever competed as a flyer, it is really weird to watch a
    routine from a base’s perspective. Respect!

  16. Francisca Orellana

    She’s perfect! I love how she yells at molly in her tumbling pass before
    the first stunt:)!

  17. I’ve seen bases base multiple flyers, but not in one routine! Alexandria
    based nearly all the flyers in one single routine, and THAT is AMAZING.

  18. She based the majority of the flyers! I give her so much respect for that
    cause getting used to different flyers is difficult.

  19. I have long wanted to see this; a worlds-quality routine from the bases’
    perspectives! Thanks!!!

  20. hereforcheer Resende

    Oh my god. She just goes from stunt to stunt

  21. Im a base. But, Im not as good as her.


  23. She based at least 7 different flyers.. Thats crazy. I salute her omg

  24. Haha! this was me in a routine a few years ago where i flew, based and
    backed. I was dizzy and shattered at the end of the routine lol. Even if
    you are super fit, you feel the burn after! Props to her. You could see
    where she was struggling at the end but you could never tell looking at the
    stunt. She held them all up like a beast! Shout out to all the bases out
    there <3