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St Rose Cheerleading Pyramid

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  1. w/e haha u make me laugh

  2. brittanyisthebest101

    Omg this is horrible!

  3. my friends say im a bad flyer you ur worst

  4. i agree with cheertay112 about how she gave critisim and i agree that she
    could of said it nicer but it was the truth and she was just trying to help
    so get off of her back

  5. Looks good. but it could really use some strength and focus. But so far
    looked OKay

  6. Not everyone goes by usasf guidlines.

  7. so.. its the truth i could of been meaner.

  8. it would be a really good pyramid if they were tight

  9. wow bestevercheer get off of cheertay112’s back she already said sorry and
    she is clearly the better person dont be too sensitive let stuff go or it
    will hurt u in life :)

  10. i’m in this video! flying little jessie. we are a level 3. my pants fell
    down during this. and it was really funny. someone stepped on them. and the
    flyer on the right is also on an all star team and if she saw that comment
    about her flying for the first time, she would be very upset. maybe not
    everyone is as amazing as you. sorry we were not up to your par almost a
    year ago. we have improved and this was like the first time we ever did
    this pyramid so stop being a stereotypical cheerleader.

  11. itt wass 4 yearss agoo

  12. hey i wish hehe! i am across the water in liverpool (england!!)!!! i know
    what its like to be critisized by idiots tho coz i am a coach, and i am the
    only dude in england that does an all male group stunt at comps! actually
    got a few vids on my profile let me know wot u think :D! .. ps .. keep me
    posted with new vids.. can’t wait to c ur progress Love Coach Seb
    *Liverpool University Foxes*

  13. Dont criticise people for trying their best… yeah you might be better
    than them but they probably worked their arses off to get to where they are
    now and theyre proud of that. Cheerleadings about pride and sportsmanship
    not bitching about other teams because the pyramid they just learnt is
    slightly sloppy

  14. and u suck at cheer kkthnxx bye

  15. haha, if you want private viewing….perhaps you shouldn’t post it on the
    most popular internet video forum in the world??

  16. whatever i’ll be the better person sorry for offending u…

  17. flyers honestly lock out ur legs!!!! that pyramid could be so good, and im
    sorry but that was SUPER sloppy!!!! lock ur legs out!!!!! if u lock out ur
    legs itll look rly good

  18. i know that when u learn a skill u need 2 go slow& it helps to take a vid
    so u can c what needs improvin & wt needs tightenin. ppl on here r all
    hidin behind their screens pretendin 2 b all high and mighty. when in truth
    theyr prolly crap& need to let out their frustration in some way:) just
    laugh it off remember practice makes perfect. once u perfect this u can
    make it harder& rub it in their faces, all that matters is wt u do infront
    of judges. theyr the ones scoring u not the youtube bitches

  19. what do you mean when you say co-ed down?

  20. ha it was a great practice!

  21. i didnt make a bad comment :)

  22. umm thats what a pyramid is?? u hold hands to make it one um duh. shows how
    much u kno bout cheer

  23. cool

  24. yeahh i bet ur sooooo good.. this is my team but the co-ed.. and this was
    like 2 yrs ago and they werent trying its not even in the competition
    routine so shush cuz there REALLY GOOD and would blow ur mind away and kick
    ur cheerleading ass.