Home » Cheerleader Fitnes » Cheerleader Conditioning » Cheerleading Strength Exercises

Cheerleading Strength Exercises

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The Original Block (1 Block)

Want a solution to students standing in line waiting on their turn for gymnastics? Numerous stations can be made for your students using The Original Block while you are working a one-on-one station! Create the most fun and interactive conditioning stations to keep your cheerleaders and gymnasts moving and building strength to master their skills even quicker! Perfect for in-home use and for the home schooled. Made of Durable 18oz Vinyl with 2 velcro strips on the bottom to provide a no slip sur

List Price: $ 65.00 Price: $ 65.00


  1. This is a good

  2. I wanted to go in cheerleading but I’m to old (10) 

  3. you are not to old to cheerleading I am 9 and I am allmost 10 years and I
    am cheerleading so if you want to do cheerleading you should

  4. Wolverine Silky Smooth Legs

    She has hottt legs but then again all cheerleaders have hottt legs, girl
    cheerleaders only

  5. @CrAzYwHiTeGiRl2111 but they are called bloomers

  6. orr maybe she really knows how to doo stuff omg what a concept. loser.

  7. Brigette Lundy-Paine

    gay boyyyyyy!♥ why I love cheer

  8. i thought they were called spankies?

  9. Hey don’t talk about Ben he is a sweety pie and that is just how he talks
    he is not putting on a fake voice. Don’t call him a loser!

  10. facerollmachineguy

    @calliee good thing you said pretty much cause as a male cheerleading i
    dont wear that lol

  11. shes really good. the only thibg she needs to watch is how she turns in her
    feet and that could really damage her ancles

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  13. Bloomies is what most people call them. Spankies are considered something

  14. fuck this i’m joining band

  15. Cheerleader4Life2424

    Oh My God You Guys Really HaHaH Bloomers, Spankies, Spanks Same Thing Does
    It Really Matter? I Say Tomato You Say Tamoto ! Who Cares !

  16. @calliee I put my girlfriends bloomies over my head after a long practice

  17. @ifyoucouldbeavampire really come on hes gay

  18. @calliee Well they are also called lollipops~

  19. So do we where I live :) But there’s a difference between bloomies and
    spankies lol

  20. That guys gay! YESS!

  21. i like the part at 1:20

  22. LOL, her shoes look like the bottom of my daughters, holes worn thru
    them….that is the mark of a good cheerleader!! She probably tumbles well
    too!! 😉

  23. Lol her bloomies are so cute ours are just plain

  24. @reetarocker i agree with you well at least thats what we call it here in

  25. They call them bloomers at our schools