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Gymnastics vs Cheerleading!

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  1. Cheer. Hands down. 

  2. cheer stunts face the facts GYMNASTICS IS HARDER THAN CHEERLEADING!!!!!!!

  3. cheer is great I love it you guys are not right my friend did a back tuck
    and fell and twisted ankle and are couch said to get back and do it again
    and she said ok and guess what was really broken and we are right at doing
    stuff so you guess are no right and us cheerleader work harder then you
    think and by the way why do think leader is in our

  4. I agree :)

  5. The blonde one is really give all blondes a bad reputation y do people even
    bother saying that blonde aren’t dumb clearly this one just proved them

  6. Cheerleaders get kicked. Gymnasts get rips. That’s covered so no need to
    defend your sport with kicks and rips. Anything but that

  7. I think gymnastics is harder than cheer because in gymnastics you have to
    do the beam vault floor and bars it is way harder and I think it was kind
    of mean in the video that you said gymnasts quit gymnastics and go to cheer
    because I am quitting gymnastics maybe and I’m thinking about doing cheer

  8. I don’t care if you think your sport is harder or not I do both and they
    are both hard think of all the cheerleaders feelings you just hurt trying
    to prove a point this is one of the meanest videos I’ve ever seen both of
    them are great sports and neither of them are idiotic
    If anything your idiotic for posting this video it was very mean hurtful
    and not true

  9. you suck

  10. American girl doll swag Forever

    Guys, um gymnastics and cheerleading are both hard. And um no, just no. I’m
    not an idiotic person throwing someone in the air I’m actually smart unlike
    you guys

  11. gymnastics

  12. Your retarded

  13. I am a gymnast. So I obviously am going to like gymnastics. But cheer is a
    really cool sport! But gymnastics requires more training. Cheer is also
    hard because of the stunts. Gymnastics is a sport where you perform
    gracefully and/or powerfully. Cheer is very powerful and energetic.

    But what I HATE about most cheerleaders, is that they think they are
    gymnasts. Like um no. Do you work kips everyday on the bar? Front
    handsprings on vault? Balk walkovers on beam? No. You do floor. That’s it.

    I like cheer but overall gymnastics is the better sport. It is a bit harder
    than cheer, but requires a lot more training.

    (and in cheer if you puke you go back to condition. If you need to puke you
    shouldn’t be in the sport.) ;)

  14. Everything you said was horribly wrong….. if we get ANY injury or mess up
    we get yelled at just as bad (probably worse) than you guys do! In
    cheerleading, if you throw up, you have to go straight back to
    conditioning. How many miles do you run a day? Cheerleaders have to run 4
    just for warm-ups. Cheer was proven to be the most dangerous sport. I’m
    pretty sure that cheer beats gymnastics by a landslide.

  15. Yay right

  16. I agree with everything that theese girls are saying! 

  17. You don’t even know what ur talking about. Cheerleading is one of the
    hardest and the most dangerous sports. We do know what we are doing and
    instead of accusing us of not being thought right, or not being able to do
    anything, you two should research a little before making one of the
    stupidest videos I’ve seen in my life. 

  18. I know gymnastics is hard but cheerleaders aren’t idiots

  19. If I get an injuries everyday and I don’t even get to ice it!

  20. Yeah, we cheerleaders work harded that you idiot! Talking to the brown
    haired girl btw! You can talk out your trash all you want, but try
    cheerleading before you call us idiots! I am in cheerleading, and it is WAY
    harden the gymnastics. So how about your shut your ugly big mouth and quit
    sayin stuff that is so offensive! You just got all us cheerleaders mad at
    you, and ur not getting away with this!!!!!!! Soon, many people will be mad
    at you, because i am about to post this on all of the social apps i have,
    and soon, you will regret what you said! You will be crying to your mom in
    a split second when everyone hates you!

  21. You go girls I totally agree wit you.GYMNASTICS IS THE BEST SPORT EVER

  22. For all you gymnasts out there I think gymnastics is hard and all but I
    mean seriously I would love to see all of you gymnasts take a girl the
    exact same size as you have her tuck right on to ur frickin hand and hold
    her there I mean wtf you guys should really go look up all star cheer cuz u
    are thinking of high school chee

  23. Yeah.. Gym is hard but cheer is hard 2.. Not as hard as hard as gymnastics
    of course! But cheerleaders are rude to gymnast sometimes.. Like this bunch
    of cheerleaders came up to me and my friends and said gymnastics are for
    little babies.

  24. Guys she was 12.. She didn’t mean all of this. A lot of this is wrong. And
    foul.. And stuff. Didn’t even give cheerleaders credit but she was 12.
    Young didn’t understand the cheer world 

  25. I’m not saying which is harder I’m in all-star and optionals what I’m
    saying is that you shouldn’t be calling people idiots and going on and on
    saying disgusting things about cheerleaders