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Columbus High School Cheerleading 08 STATE CHAMPS!

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  1. What’s the song towards the end starting from 1:58?

  2. Hello. I’m a cheerleader needing some help. Every year I was always a
    flyer. Over the sumer, I got a lot taller and my coach cast me a backspot.
    I am very weak and I have a hard time grabbing her ankles. I need advice on
    what to do! 

  3. I hate how they land they’re tucks with there legs apart

  4. Whats the name of the song on 0:40 sec ? (Sorry my english is bad because
    i’m from germany)

  5. from Columbus ohio?

  6. Excellent job!!! Well deserved champs!

  7. Cheerleading

  8. This was posted on Cody Simpson’s birthday

  9. This was a really intriguing routine! Just when I think I’ve seen it all, a
    high school team will wow me out of nowhere. Awesome job :)

  10. What was the last song

  11. Gheeze, I hate to be a hater but I find it really hard to enjoy
    cheerleading. Most of the time it looks like people are throwing themselves
    into the moves, and just looks messy
    >inb4 20 replies saying how it’s not

  12. +Lea Krause in Deutschland gibt es genügend Vereine die dies Anbieten…
    einfach mal googlen :)
    In Germany gaves a lot of Groups Who you can go cheerleading :) 

  13. Not bad, it’s kinda like a level 4, Level 3 routine. 

  14. Like Columbus, Ohio?

  15. very impressive coordination and gymnastic skills.


  17. This was amazing, but the only “fault” I saw in it was some of the girls
    were singing along to the music. I cheered for a long time, and if my squad
    ever sang along to music, we had to run.

  18. I love their music!!!

  19. My high school doesn’t allow us to do stunts so all we do is just cheer.

  20. Loved it

  21. My schools cheer team looks like 5 year olds compared to these girls!!!

  22. I like the music they most likely edited the music I can tell 

  23. Our performance is amazing!! I like it :)

  24. Please you can tell me the names songs?