Home » Cheerleading Stunt » Learning Cheerleading Stunts » Basic Cheerleading Stunting : Advanced Cheer Stunts from a Prep Position

Basic Cheerleading Stunting : Advanced Cheer Stunts from a Prep Position

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  1. When they went up for the extension I was watching their hands and the
    flyers feet and I panicked because her foot was uneven on the side base
    side and that’s how my flyer fell because her footing was uneven and the
    force was greater on one side

  2. I’ve done that before!!!!!! So COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. It’s basic not elite so it is advanced basics

  4. not adavnced at all? my teamdoes way harder stuff and we are 12 ??

  5. she was really struggling with that full. lol. sooooo difficult!

  6. moviestarplanet2701

    this isnt avanced im a jr. pee wee and i do more complicated stuff than

  7. ok i know nothing about cheerleading but that isnt advanced so change your
    title and i know its not advanced because u went to cheer leading practice
    with my friend one time to watch

  8. @lilionkilian thats kinda like when u try and teach people bhs or tucks on
    utube u just cant

  9. in my cheerleading group i am a flyer at the back and i do an elevator not
    extension but at the end we do single bases changing into an elevator which
    is quite tricky for the base in the single base stunt !!!!

  10. @hobocreep streght!!!!!!!!!!!!! i am a base and have more flexiblity than
    my flyer and dont balance yourself let your bases take care of it

  11. That is not advanced lol I am

  12. the bases should use their legs more and over extend and then settle at a
    prep! seems like they’re muscling it up to a prep. and the flyer should
    slap down tighter/harder on the cradle. but it looks pretty clean overall!

  13. that step in is very old i have been jumping in from the beginning lol

  14. @kamisama47 See Like Dont Know Too Much Either ; If Your To Short To Hold
    Ankles ; You Hold Wrist

  15. ok. im a junior level 2 team and we can do a straight up extension then
    cradle. this is not advanced….

  16. this isnt advanced..

  17. Why is that lady wearing a uniform?? shes like…..old.

  18. the flier shouldn’t put her hands down is what i think

  19. shes like 40 why is she in a cheer uniform

  20. @lilionkilian omg i tottaly agrree and the left base is arching as they go
    thru extenuation and u guys SUCK

  21. TheeMickieJamesLover

    Your cheerleaders need to learn how to push up with there LEGS NOT THERE
    BACKS. Real nice way to give them back problems. I should know. I did the
    same thing my first year cheerleading. Your flyer needs to pull her weight,
    and actually ride the cradles like someone else said. This stuff is so
    basic, my cheer team can do it without backspots. While double twisting.
    Please, PLEASE, before someone uses these techniques, learn how to so
    someone doesn’t injure themselves. Thanks. (:

  22. The bases need to make eye contact .

  23. This is not advanced.learned when I was on a mini team

  24. @lilionkilian omg thats what i said she sucks my flyer can go way higher
    than that and we are younger. We do crazy stunts harder than that.

  25. LOLOLOL This is advanced? We teach new cheerleaders this on the first day