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Basic Cheerleading Stunting : Cheer Stunting Techniques: The Prep & Cradle

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  1. Nice job lady’s 

  2. ive been trying to learn how to cradle for like a week, and i still can’t
    get it :( and im the flyer :((

  3. In my cheerleading group that’s not called a prep a prep is where you don’t
    go higher and stay at your waist that is what we call elevator and most
    British teams call it elevator to

  4. Y’all did good, but it was just a little messy, don’t forget to point
    you’re toes.& keep you’re legs straight.

  5. that girl needs to put her arm out .

  6. IM SO SCARED TO CRADLE,I’m the flyer

  7. TaraIleenAriShauna

    Helped good Ima basee’

  8. wen u cradle the flyer doesnt realy ride it up and she needs 2 point her

  9. they look like zombies D= no offense

  10. Got my cradle today! Second practice

  11. fLyErChIcKcHeErLeAd

    im a flyer (as u can see by my name) but we do pops really small…… we
    call things like that a throw…….

  12. i want 2 b flyer but im a base its kewl ill b flyin soon

  13. yeahhh not cool. just because some cheerleaders act like that doesn’t mean
    we all do.

  14. i’m a spotter :)

  15. CandyflossCupcake200

    our stunt group has been at it for 3 weeks and we get the lift better than
    them :/

  16. Last night at practice we were doing shift backspots and shift frontspots.
    Our second backspot had her hips and threw her forward. She fell splat on
    the ground. :L

  17. lovelylovelygirllol

    im aa flyer

  18. wow i stunted 4 da first time eva 2day just a regular simple stunt and da
    coach told me 2 go on youtube and search how 2 cradle cuz we’re doin dat
    next week but dey look suckish

  19. Don’t worry – I’m 10, I’m a backspot, and it’s my first year and 2nd month
    and I do cradles. If you have a good stunt group, then you need to trust
    them, they’ll catch you. The backspot will help you also a lot. I was
    cradling once and my side bases weren’t looking nor ready to cradle, and I
    jumped back and fell to the ground with my flyer landing on me. We were
    both perfectly safe. Just keep your arms out and fall, it’s not a hard job
    and you aren’t going very high. Your group+cradles=focus.

  20. yayyy flyers!!!! im a flyer too :]

  21. I know you guys are experienced ( really applaud you ) But what our team
    does if finish the count out until we clean idk why but oh well i still
    loved that this vid was organized and had a very clean half and cradle

  22. That’s the weirdest prep i’ve ever seen, why did she step in with one foot
    first? and no one calls stunts or dismounts like that?!

  23. sheitest cradle ever she didnt ride it

  24. i didnt say i was pretty, god im ugly man, i sed “and pretty much have no
    weight” so read carfully next time